CR North's Lustig to Row at Duke University

On Thursday, Feb. 2, 2017, Council Rock North senior Katherine Lustig was recognized for committing to continue her rowing career at Duke University. To view photos of the event, please visit the Photo Gallery.

Katherine Lustig – Duke University (Rowing)

Major:  Undecided

Final list of colleges:  Duke, Syracuse, Notre Dame

Reasons for choosing Duke:  “It was my happy place. The academics are amazing, and the athletic support there is phenomenal. Just the sense of community – how everyone is so excited to be there together, I thought it was amazing and unique, and I wanted to be a part of it.”

What was the progression that led you to competing in rowing at the collegiate level?  “I first found out about rowing when I was watching a commercial, and I was like, ‘Oh, that’s really neat.’ I had a 30-minute drive radius to find a club, so I found the club I’m at right now, and I just loved it.
“At the end of my sophomore year, I got second at nationals, and basically, after that, I realized I had the potential to be able to do this in college.”

About Katherine:
Favorite food: 
Ice Cream
Favorite movie:  The Blind Side
Favorite music:  Anything