Hatboro's Fisher to Golf at Millersville

On Tuesday, April 29, 2014, Hatboro-Horsham senior Tom Fisher was recognized at a special news conference for signing a letter of intent to play golf at Millersville University. To view photos of the signing, please visit the Photo Gallery.

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Tom Fisher – Millersville University (Golf)

Major:  Undecided

Final list of colleges: Millersville, St. Joseph’s University

Reasons for choosing Millersville:  “Millersville just seemed like the best fit, just with the guys on the team, and the person coaching seemed like a really good fit. He thought I could succeed there and excel golf-wise.”

What was the progression that led you to playing golf at the collegiate level?  “Definitely after my freshman year of swimming – I realized how much fun golf is and how not much fun swimming is. Not to bash swimming or anything, but golf is awesome. I grew up playing it. It’s a lifestyle.”
Coach Michael Harmon says:  “He probably was one of the more consistent players over the past 10 years, and that’s pretty big considering some of the players we’ve had come through. I think he ended his year through all his matches two over par total. He was really, really consistent. We had a very young team outside of him, and he really tried to push the younger players to get better. Even though we weren’t winning very many matches, he still was going out there, trying to give it his best.
“I know it was very tough for him not to get past districts this year because I know, in my opinion, he was a state level player. It just happened to catch him on an off day, and even on an off day, he ended up in a playoff. He was very, very consistent. I don’t think I’ve ever seen him shoot higher than 76 or 77 in his last two years.
“He will be missed. I definitely think he will do very, very well. I think Millersville is a good fit for him.”

Coach Glenn Kaiser says:  “What stood out about Tom was his demeanor. Usually when young kids come in playing golf here, they’re very competitive, and the ones with the most talent are very intense and often lose their cool on the golf course, and that can really hurt your game.
“Tom’s whole composite as a golfer has been a solid foundation built on a pure swing, good fundamentals, technique, patience on the green and a steady hand, but for Tom, the focus has always been playing the golf course, playing the next shot, lining up the putts, taking every shot seriously. He had a maturity beyond his years when he was just a freshman. We expect shouting, screaming, throwing clubs when we have talented ninth graders, but that was not the case with Tom. He fit in with the older players and fit right into that group.
“Tom is not always the best in a one-day tournament. Tom is going to be the player that will play well in college because he can play well over a one, two or three-day span. With two seasons – spring and fall, he’s going to be a very good player.
“He’s from a great family. They’re very supportive of the golf team. He’s the kind of kid that you love.”

About Tom:
Favorite food: 
Cheese Steak
Favorite movie:  Caddyshack
Favorite music:  Rap