Plymouth-Whitemarsh vs. North Penn Bowling Results - 01/06/2010

 Plymouth-Whitemarsh vs. North Penn Bowling – January 6, 2010

 Away: North Penn
 Home: Plymouth Whitemarsh
           VARSITY BOYS:
     North Penn 980 1005 987 =2972
        PW     1017 1082 1130=3229
 * PW's 1,130 points in game 3 set a record for most points scored in a game in school history.
NP: Kyle Transue 244 game, 732 series; Dylan Harris 667 series.

PW: Chris Hammes had games of 259-258-229, 746 series; Pat Galleo had games of 199-256-277(he had 8 straight strikes to start game 3), 732 series)

                 VARSITY GIRLS:
         North Penn 912 934 984=2730
         PW         688 777 724=2189

 North Penn: Jenna Thomas 245 game, 623 series

     PW: Dani Rosenberg scored a 192 game(this was her Varsity debut); Lauren Enslin 212 game,547 series.
North Penn Girls   4-0                                     Plymouth Whitemarsh girls  0-4
Kasey Dietrich         190-176-220=586                   Nichole Bilodean               87- x  -x = 87
Stephanie Hricak      156-x -x     =156                   Kelly Packer                     98- x - x =98
Kayla Uccelletti        203-181-155=539                  Mikhalla Wilkens               112-112-148=372
Jenna Thomas         158-245-220=623                   Lauren Enslin                    213-178-156=547
Allie Strayer             205-166- x  =371                   Amy Costello                    178-191-160=529
Anila Gidwani             x  -166-141=307                  Bridget Distel                      x  -103-124=227
Brittany George         x   -  x -148=148                  Dani Rosenberg                  x  - 193-136=329
                              912-934-884 =2730                                                        688-777-724=2189
North Penn Boys                                           Plymouth Whitemarsh Boys
Mike Eckerle          180-  x-   x  =180                    Kyle Hatfield                    153-218-211=582
Kyle Transue          224-224-244=692                    Pat Galleo                        199-256-277=732
Mike Garbarino       162-168-194=524                    Nick Tomaine                   204-179-201=584
Chuck Knower         179-190-192=561                   Josh Taylor                      202-171-212=585
Dylan Harris            235-246-186=667                   Chris Hammes                 259-258-229=746
Zach Sevcik              x -177-171 =348                                                        1017-1082-1130=3229