Tennent's Alden to Play Basketball at Ursinus

On Tuesday, April 22, 2014, William Tennent senior Matt Alden was recognized at a special new conference/celebration breakfast for committing to play basketball at Ursinus College. To view photos of the signing, please visit the Photo Gallery.

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Matt Alden – Ursinus College (Basketball)

Major:  Accounting

Final list of colleges:  Ursinus, Franklin & Marshall, Bloomsburg, Chestnut Hill

Reasons for choosing Ursinus:  “It was the best fit for me. Good education, good location and good basketball program.”

What was the progression that led you to playing collegiate basketball?  “I knew I wanted to play (in college) since I was a little kid, and thankfully I’m fortunate enough to play in college. I started getting recruited my sophomore year initially for basketball.”

Coach Robert Mulville says:  “He’s a workhorse – that’s his main quality. He puts in an awful lot of work both on and off the court, and he really enjoys the game a lot. That’s part of his success. I don’t think he missed a game in three years. He’s really competitive, and he wants to go out and give everything he has every day and every practice.
“We are really going to miss Matt this year, but we are really excited that he will be playing at the college level. I know he will bring his work ethic and enthusiasm to Ursinus and make them a better team, just like he did for us at William Tennent.”

About Matt:
Favorite food: 
Buffalo Chicken Cheesesteak
Favorite movie:  Transporter
Favorite music:  “Pour Some Sugar on Me” by Def Leppard