Univest Featured Athletes (Wk 5-9-12)

SuburbanOneSports.com recognizes a male and female featured athlete each week. The awards, sponsored by Univest, are given to seniors of good character who are students in good standing that have made significant contributions to their teams. Selections are based on nominations received from coaches, athletic directors and administrators.

Univest’s SuburbanOneSports.com Featured Female Athlete (Week of May 8, 2012),

Emma Joyce has found a way to do it all. The Upper Moreland senior is a captain of the lacrosse team, and she hasn’t let the fact that an underclassmen has taken her starting goalie position stand in the way of being an effective leader. “I have never seen another student so supportive of the underclassmen that ‘took’ her spot on the field,” said coach Karen Grossi. “Emma just wants to play, so she’s happy to play jayvee, despite the fact that she’s a senior. She’s a nice leader on the field, and her attitude on the field is just wonderful. She’s very positive and cheers everyone on. She wants everyone to do their best.”

Playing lacrosse is one of countless activities for Joyce, who has a passion for music. She started singing in her church choir 13 years ago, and she has been part of the school musical the past four years. This year she helped co-produce Music Man.  Joyce also plays in the marching band and this year served on the band’s executive council as secretary.

Joyce is co-president of Upper Moreland’s Key Club, and service is another of her passions. Aside from the many service projects of the Key Club, she is also a member of the Bear Buddies, a group that meets every other month to chaperone special needs students on field trips. Joyce also is secretary of the Environmental Club. “I love everything I do so there’s nothing I would want to drop, so I just find a way to do everything,” Joyce said. “I wouldn’t trade one for another.”
Despite her busy schedule, Joyce ranks in the top 10 percent of her class and is taking several AP classes this year. Next year Joyce plans to major in speech pathology at Temple University.

To view Joyce’s complete profile, please click on the following link: http://www.suburbanonesports.com/featured-athletes/female/emma-joyce

Univest’s SuburbanOneSports.com Featured Male Athlete (Week of May 8, 2012)

John Kopperman took on the challenge of learning a new sport when he tried out for the volleyball team as a junior. The Central Bucks West senior has gone on to become a contributor on the varsity. “When he came out as a junior, he was behind everybody else,” West coach Todd Miller said. “But John has a really good attitude, a good work ethic. He wants to learn, wants to grow and desires to be a contributor in every way he can me. To come in and see everyone in the gym and see ‘These guys are way ahead of me,’ it speaks to his toughness because you need to be mentally tough to overcome that situation.”

Challenging himself and putting himself in a position where others might shy away is nothing new for Kopperman. That’s evident in his past where his time as a Boy Scout and Eagle Scout have inspired him to become an assistant Scoutmaster for his old troop. It is evident in his future where he will join the Army ROTC and serve his country. And it’s evident in this present where he does everything in his power – on the court and off – to help his teammates on the volleyball team. “He’s a team leader without having been voted a team leader,” Miller said. “He’s always encouraging to those around him even though he doesn’t get as much playing time as some of the other guys. He’s always uplifting, never has a negative thing to say.”

Kopperman is an officer in the school’s Stars and Stripes Club. He is an excellent student and is taking several AP classes. He is a member of the National Honor Society and the National German Honor Society.

In the fall, Kopperman will attend Lehigh University where he received a three-year Army ROTC scholarship. As he works toward a major in mechanical engineering (with perhaps a minor in business), he will be preparing for at least eight years of service with the United States Army. “It’s something I’ve always wanted to do, to serve my country,” Kopperman said. “I’ve always felt that as tough as some situations in America may seem, the worst day in America is better than the best day in a lot of places in the world. I feel very fortunate to live here, and I’ve just always felt obligated to give a little back.”

To view Kopperman’s complete profile, please click on the following link: http://www.suburbanonesports.com/featured-athletes/male/john-kopperman