Wright to Play Basketball at Penn State Wilkes

On Thursday, May 2, 2013, Wissahickon senior Kian Wright was recognized for signing a letter of intent to play basketball at Penn State Wilkes-Barre.

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Kian Wright – Penn State Wilkes-Barre (Basketball)

Major:  Undecided

Final list of colleges:  Penn State Wilkes-Barre, Manor, Harcum

Reasons for choosing Penn State Wilkes:  “I was more attracted and pulled in by the coach and the atmosphere  - I like smaller campuses, and it seems like a really friendly place.”

What was the progression that led you to playing collegiate basketball?  “It all started my senior year. I never actually would have thought this would have happened to me, but I just worked hard, and things just started falling in place, which made me really excited to play.”

Coach Rodney Cline says:  “Kian played two years for me and developed her skills tremendously in such a short period of time. She has unbelievable speed, athleticism and heart. She was a pleasure to coach and her upside in the game of basketball will be fun to follow. I wish her the best.”

About Kian:
Favorite food: 
Favorite movie:  Love and Basketball
Favorite music:  Hip Hop