Fabozzi to Wrestle at Princeton

On Tuesday, Feb. 11, 2014, Central Bucks East senior Francesco Fabozzi was recognized at a special news conference for signing a letter of intent to wrestle at Princeton University. To view photos of the signing, please visit the Photo Gallery.

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Francesco Fabozzi – Princeton University (Wrestling)

Major:  Economics

Final list of colleges:  Princeton, Brown, Penn, Columbia, Duke

Reasons for choosing Princeton: “We’re so close to Princeton, and I always went there when I was a kid. When I was four or five, I would run around with Princeton stuff on. It’s just always been a dream to go there, so it was kind of an easy choice. I wasn’t sure if I had the grades to get in, but once I found out I was able to, it was 100 percent Princeton.”

What was the progression that led you to wrestling at the collegiate level?  “I have wrestled a long time, but I wasn’t always completely focused on wrestling. I played football and baseball, so it wasn’t really – oh, I knew I was going to go to college from the beginning for wrestling. After my 10th grade season, coach (Herman) Chen talked to me about it – ‘Are you thinking about wrestling in college?’ Finally, we decided to talk to the Princeton coaches and get on the ball with that.”

Coach Dave Scarpill says:  “He’s one of – if not the best wrestler that has ever gone through CB East. I have been coaching 20 years, I wrestled in the 80’s, and I know some kids from the 70’s. (Mark) Sodano is a state champion (1982), so that’s someone to compare him to. I think he’s right up there with him. He’s one of the best leaders we’ve ever had on our team. He elevates kids in the wrestling room. – not to his level, but he gets kids to work harder when they see him working as hard as he does. The kids try to emulate what he’s done, to a degree. Especially his practice partners get a huge boost working out with him, but overall, he’s everything you want in a wrestler, an athlete and a leader, and he’s going to be missed obviously when he’s not here.”

About Francesco:
Favorite food: 
Cheese Steaks
Favorite movie:  Win Win
Favorite music:  Electronic