Gassman Signs to Play VB at Marist

On Wednesday, November 14, 2012, Abington senior Liz Gassman signed a letter of intent to accept a volleyball scholarship to Marist College.
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Liz Gassman – Marist College (Volleyball)

Major:  English

Final list of colleges:  Marist, Lehigh, Loyola

Reasons for choosing Marist:  “I just felt like I fit the best there with the girls, the coach and the academic level. Our coach also lets us study abroad, and I don’t know any coaches that allow sports players to do that, so I was really excited about that because it’s something I always wanted to do.”

What was the progression that led you to playing collegiate volleyball?  “In eighth grade, I was playing for a club team closer in my area, and I was like, ‘I really want to play in college.’ I played one more year with them and decided this is what I wanted to do. I switched over to Synergy, which is more nationally recognized, and that sort of made it final. It was like, ‘You’re in it for the long haul.’”

Coach Jea Lee says:  “Liz’s volleyball IQ is like having a coach on the court. She tells players where to go and to look for certain things against a defense. I have never experienced coaching a female volleyball player of that caliber. It’s amazing. She’s so smart, she’s so powerful, and her technique is flawless. You could tell she could compete at the D-1 college level. She’s going to do well. She’s awesome, and I’m definitely going to miss her next year. It’s going to be a big transition without her.”

About Liz:
Favorite food:  Chicken Parm
Favorite movie:  Say Anything
Favorite music:  Jason Mraz