Miorelli to Play Soccer at Cedarville

On Wednesday, February 20, 2013, Souderton senior Grace Miorelli was recognized for signing a letter of intent to play lacrosse at Cedarville University. To view photos of the signing, please visit the Photo Gallery.

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Grace Miorelli – Cedarville University (Soccer)

Major:  Exercise Science

Final list of colleges: Cedarville, Temple, Liberty

Reasons for choosing Cedarville:  “I chose Cedarville because it’s a Christian College, and it has my major, which is exercise science. When I visited the college, it was a great fit for me.”

What was the progression that led you to playing collegiate soccer?  “I’ve played soccer for a really long time, and I’ve always wanted to play in college. During high school is when I knew I could play at that level.”

Favorite high school memory playing soccer:  “Beating North Penn with two minutes left in the game.”

Souderton coach Joe Duffy says:  “Grace has a ton of natural ability, but I think it’s her dedication to her offseason training and her approach towards practice that totally reflected itself in the games where she was really not above not only her teammates but other players in the league. It’s just a testament to all of the hard work she puts in individually.
“She was an excellent leader. She was a captain and led by example. She has a reserved, quiet personality but is so serious for a student athlete her age. She really gets it, and it translated really well to her teammates and the team in general.”

About Grace:
Favorite food: 
Favorite movie:  She’s the Man
Favorite music:  Lecrae