North Penn's Yancy to Compete in Gymnastics at West Virginia

On Friday, April 26, 2019, North Penn junior Kayla Yancey was recognized for committing to continue her gymnastics career at West Virginia University. Check back for a gallery photos of the event.

Kayla Yancey – West Virginia University (Gymnastics)

Major:  Nursing

Final list of colleges:  West Virginia, Alabama, Arizona

Reasons for choosing West Virginia:  “I chose West Virginia because I love the environment and the coaches and just everything about it.”

What was the progression that led you to competing in gymnastics at the collegiate level?  “I’ve been doing gymnastics every since I can remember. I grew up in the gym, and I always thought I wanted to be a college gymnast.”

Diving coach Kyle Goldbacher says:  “It’s an unexpected pleasure to speak on behalf of Kayla Yancey. Unexpected for two reasons: one, I haven’t coached Kayla for many years, and two, Kayla is just finishing her junior year, not her senior year. So, on the speedway of Kayla’s athletic career, I may have helped her with her training wheels before her flip flops reached the pedals, but she has grown, and she has blossomed, and she has accelerated right through the checkered flag.
“So, here we have a gymnast. In the world of Olympic sports, achievement is not solely measured by competitive success. Personality has just as big an impact. So, while Kayla has achieved much in the gymnasium – as a state champion, a regional champion and a two-time national qualifying level 10 gymnast – her achievement goes beyond that success. Kayla is iconic. What’s that mean? It means she’s got that extra something that sets her apart from the field of competition – a pizzazz, a flair, a vitality. Her personality is spirited, her passion – feisty, and her style – vibrant. Combine all that with her God-give athleticism, and you’ve got a high-flying livewire. You’ve got a junior in high school going to West Virginia University on a full scholarship a year ahead of schedule.
“But from where I’m standing, the most amazing part about Kayla isn’t all that. It’s her courage, her perseverance and her self-determination. These three qualities have gotten (her) to where (she) is right now, and they will enable (her) to accomplish pretty much anything (she) wants. (She) can race the wind if (she) so please.”

About Kayla:
Favorite food: 
Favorite TV show:  Grey’s Anatomy
Favorite music:  Pop