Quakertown's Hadfield Commits to Play Hockey at Millersville

On Thursday, Nov. 15, 2017, Quakertown senior Mackenzie Hadfield was recognized for committing to continue her field hockey career at Millersville University.

Mackenzie Hadfield – Millersville University (Field Hockey)

Major:  Secondary Education with a minor in History

Final list of colleges:  Millersville, West Chester, Towson, Kutztown

Reasons for choosing Millersville:  “I really fell in love with the campus, I fell in love with the classrooms, class size, dorms, coach, players – really everything about it was a click with me. They had my major, which was amazing. I’m hoping to become a high school social studies teacher. Both my parents are teachers, so that’s kind of fun – I’m continuing it on. My dad went to Millersville, so he was like, ‘Let’s check this out.’ It’s completely different now, obviously, but it was just amazing.”

What was the progression that led you to competing in field hockey at the collegiate level?  “I definitely knew about playing in college just from my parents and looking up to the other girls that were on the high school team and hearing about all of their accomplishments. I started playing when I was in seventh grade, so just from then on I was like, ‘If I want to do this, I really want to be a go-getter about it and just see how far I can take this.’”

Coach Kelly Driscoll says:  “We are all very proud of Mackenzie. I feel she is going to be a great fit at Millersville. I think her new coach is going to love coaching her. She was a very strong leader at Quakertown and was a role model for her peers. She will be a great asset to the Marauders in any role they ask her to play. She was able to step up and take on different roles on the team this past year. While we struggled to get wins, she continued to show up and work hard. She has great love of the game, and it will be awesome to see her play with a group of girls that have the same passion and drive. We hope that she is able to look back on her time at Quakertown and be proud of her accomplishments. We will also be looking forward to watching her play at a higher level. My hope for her is that she brings her work ethic to the field every day and spends her four years working hard, learning lots and building relationships that will last a lifetime.”

About Mackenzie: 
Favorite food:  Pizza
Favorite movie: Forrest Gump
Favorite music:  Country