Rigous to Wrestle at Clarion

On Wednesday, May 15, 2013, Central Bucks South senior Dominic Rigous was recognized for signing a letter of intent to wrestle at Clarion University.

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Dominic Rigous – Clarion University (Wrestling)

Major:  Criminal Justice

Final list of colleges:  Rutgers, Northern Iowa, Lock Haven

Reasons for choosing Clarion:  “I just liked the campus – it was small. It was a great fit with a lot of outdoor things like fishing and hunting, and the classes are really small. It’s just a great environment.”

What was the progression that led you to wrestling at the collegiate level?  “I started thinking about wrestling in college when I was seven or eight. My dad wrestled in college, and it was something I knew I’d be doing for a while. I wanted to make it last and keep going, and I’m trying to accomplish all the goals I set when I was (younger).”

Coach Craig Deacon says:  “He’s a super kid, hard working. He does the offseason work, and that’s why he is where he is. He has over 100 wins and is the first regional champion for CB South. He placed at states this year. He’s just an overall good kid.
“He started young and came up through various youth clubs. He kept improving and improving. His parents encouraged him, and his dad took him to every tournament possible. He had a commitment to excel in the sport.”

About Dominic:
Favorite food: 
Chicken Parmesan
Favorite movie:  That’s My Boy
Favorite music:  Country