Tennent's Christian to Golf at Albright

On Tuesday, April 22, 2014, William Tennent senior Amanda Christian was recognized at a special new conference/celebration breakfast for committing to golf at Albright College. To view photos of the signing, please visit the Photo Gallery.

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Amanda Christian – Albright College (Golf)

Major:  Biology

Final list of colleges:  Albright, Ursinus, Kutztown

Reasons for selecting Albright:  “Loved the location, great science program.”

What was the progression that led you to playing golf at the collegiate level?  “I can’t imagine not playing for school anymore. During the summer going into my senior year, I decided to play in college.”

Coach Fred DiChiara says:  “Amanda was a good golfer but a much better person and teammate. She bridged the gap and was great with everyone from other seniors on the team to freshmen and newcomers. She was only with us for two years, but improved her game immensely. Her positive attitude will be sorely missed.”

About Amanda:
Favorite food:  Pasta
Favorite movie:  Hunger Games
Favorite music:  Alternative