Wible to Play Football at Stevenson

On Thursday, May 9, 2013, William Tennent senior Vince Wible was recognized for signing a letter of intent to play football at Stevenson University. To view photos of the signing, please visit the Photo Gallery.

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Vince Wible – Stevenson University (Football)

Major:  Business

Final list of colleges:  Stevenson, Widener, Misericordia, Muhlenburg

Reasons for choosing Stevenson:  “The campus and their facilities when I visited the school.”

What was the progression that led you to playing collegiate football?  “During my junior year when I talked to my guidance counselor, I told her I was thinking of playing. She called a couple of coaches for me. That’s when I started sending e-mails out to schools.”

Former coach Biz Keeny says: “Vince played tight end and defensive end for us. I thought Vince was a very, very good technical football player. He’s probably a little bit better as a defensive end, and I think that will probably be his college position. He reads plays well – he was a tough guy to fool, and he was technically sound. I had experience coaching D-line at Kutztown, and he picked it up rather quickly. He was one of our best positional players from play to play.”

About Vince:
Favorite food: 
Favorite movie:  Remember the Titans
Favorite music:  Rap