Quakertown vs. Lower Moreland

Quakertown Comments
Quakertown won 5-0 over Lower Moreland tonight under the lights. The game consisted of consistent passing and solid ball handling leading to many shots on Lower Moreland’s goalie and pressure on their defense. We were able to capitalize on 5 goals with 3 during the first quarter and 2 during the fourth quarter. The goals were strong straight shots, tip ins or solid passes and then into the cage.

Cassidy Landis put us on the board with 8:45 left on the clock in the first quarter. Paige Longacre executed a smooth pass to Cassidy, who then finished with the ball in the goal. Sunny Draper gave us the second goal with 7:10 left in the first quarter, it was a strong shot to the left bottom corner of the cage. With 5:49 left, Leah Schwalm gave the pass to Kiera Gallagher, who then swept it into the cage, giving us a 3-0 lead. Next up was Katelyn Landis, who gave a hard shot from top of the circle, with 11:38 left in the 4th. And finally Ella Schubert was the 5th goal as she redirected a hard hit ball from Sunny Draper, sending the ball into the cage with 4:54 left in the 4th.

Our defense held tight, supporting the team by keeping it out of our circle and consistently feeding our offense whenever needed.