Jenkintown vs. Upper Moreland

Upper Moreland Comments
UM 14 Jenkintown 4

Annalise Messina 9 goals, 2 assists, 6 draws controls
Keira Hess 2 goals, 1 draw controls
Maggie Morrow 1 goal, 1 assists
Olivia Meakim 1 goal, 1 assist
Molly Meakim 1 goal
Willow Taylor 7 draw controls

We are slowly coming together as a team, and learning to play with each other. We are excited to celebrate Keira Hess’s first high school goals! Annalise came ready to play and dominated the field with 6 draw controls, 9 goals, and 2 assists. Willow Taylor did a great job on the draw with 7 draws. We are ready to keep working together and growing as a team. Addi Hurley is starting off the year strong in goal with 9 saves.