Lower Merion vs. Wissahickon

Wissahickon Comments
Lower Merion 17, WHS 9

Emma Greenberg 4g, 6dc
Alexa McCabe 2g, 4dc, 2ct
Nora Ryan 2g, 1a, 4gb
Sophia Stehlik 1g
Ava Fell 10 saves

Mia Falco 7g
Avery Bickell 5g
Lea Cini 2g
Hadley Rubin 7 saves

LMHS 6 11 17
WHS 6 3 9

The teams traded goals throughout a hard fought first half, with Emma Greenberg scoring on a loose ground with 2 seconds left.

In the second half, LM leaned on their Seniors Mia Flaco (Furman commit) Avery Bickell (Maryland commit) to build a lead that WHS wasn’t able to overcome. They were both very talented and in the 2nd half were able to break through our defense.

Offensively, we made too many unforced errors in the 2nd half and when you play a team as well coached as Lower Merion, they are going to make you pay for those mistakes. The goalie play tonight on both sides of the field by Hadley Rubin and Ava Fell who are both freshman.

WHS returns to SOL action on 3/29 for the first home game of the season against New Hope-Solebury.