Plymouth Whitemarsh vs. Upper Dublin

Plymouth Whitemarsh Comments
Upper Dublin won 14 to 3

halftime score--10 to 2

Scorers for UD: Taylor D'Ginto 4g/1 a, Rachel Difranga, Shelby Kenny and Kayla Mullen each had 3 goals. Julie Cross 1g/2 a.

Pw scorers: Kirsten Monte 2 g and Monica Dresnin 1g.
Upper Dublin Comments
Game played at Plymouth Whitemarsh.

Upper Dublin 10 4 14
PW 2 1 3

**With the win, UD clinches the American Conference Championship.

Upper Dublin:
Taylor D'Ginto 4g 1a
Kayla Mullen 3g
Rachel DiFrangia 2g 4a
Julie Cross 2g 2a
Shelby Kenny 2g
Dominique Coleman 1g
Anna Trentini 1a

Sarah Gallagher 4 saves

Plymouth Whitemarsh:
Kirsten Mante 2g
Monicca Dreshin 1g