Springfield (Delco) vs. Springfield Township

Springfield Township Comments
Springfield montco vs Springfield delco

Q1 0-4 (delco)
Q2 8-4 (delco)
Q3 10-7 (delco)
Final 12-9 (delco)

Fiona Rizzo 3 goals 2 assists
Maddie McDevitt 3 goals
Emma Yoder 2 goals 2 assists
Frankie Rizzo 1 goal 1 assist
Tess Talbot 8 saves

Was a great match up, was fun and very competitive
Maddie mcdevitt, Emma Yoder, & Shannon silvius had many pivotal moments, gaining control in the middle of the field.
Sisters Fiona and Frankie Rizzo tag teaming on attack
We had dug ourselves in a hole that first quarter and we needed a little more time. Very proud of how hard our girls worked, including some huge plays on defense.