Wissahickon vs. Lower Merion

Wissahickon Comments
Emma Greenberg 3g, 8 dc
Sam Farno 4g, 1gb, 2ct
Lex McCabe 6g, 1dc
Lila Marciniak 3g, 2a, 2dc
Nora Ryan 3 ct, 2gb, 4dc

Emma Greenberg and Nora Ryan did a great job today working together on the draw circle. Our freshman Lila Marciniak and Sam Farno gave our offense a jolt early in the game as they kept finding lanes to drive and score. Overall we had 31 shots on goal. Elle Stein does a lot that doesn't fill the scorers' sheet, but is so important to our defensive success.
Lower Merion Comments
Hadley Rubin was phenomenal in goal, with 11 saves.