Hatboro-Horsham vs. Souderton

Souderton Comments
Souderton 3 v 0 Hatboro Horsham

Goals and asissts;

Meredith Moore assited by Kylie Heath.
Bre Derinzi
Ellie Andrade assited by Kylie Heath

Great result for us as we bounce back from a loss against CB East. Big positive for us is getting goals from our attacking mids Bre and Ellie who have been very busy creating chances all season but this week we have gotten them in amongst the goals. Scoring goals from as many options as possible is important for us to keep moving forward so 2 goals from Ellie this week and one from Bre is another big step in the right direction.

Kylie Heath was also very attacive tonight and caused Hatboro a lot problems on the outide to very well worked crosses from Kylie got us the goals.