Abington vs. Central Bucks South

Abington Comments
Carley Cooper with 7 Assists, 4 blocks, 8 digs, 2 kills, 1 ace
Leah Simmons with 5 kills, 1 assist, 13 digs, 1 ace
Claire Gassman with 3 kills, 11 digs, 1 ace
Jamie Kidd with 12 digs
Central Bucks South Comments
CB south wins in 3 over Abington


Eryn Cleary had a huge serving night. She helped establish the lead with her serves in game 1 serving for almost 7 aces. Serving in game 3 for almost 14 aces or out of system serves. Megan Manderson came up big with her serves serving for 16 out of system serves or aces. Larissa Keer cam up with 6 huge digs and Taylor Danolowicz and Sarah Poli hit for 6 kills each, while Megan Manderson, had 3 and Meghan Dunn and Sara Ecklemeyer had 2 each. Serve receive (Brianna Bannach, Taylor Danilowicz, Sarah Poli and Larissa Keer) were challenged by Abington servers but came out strong. Blocking was strong with Sara Ecklemeyer and Meghan Dunn having 1 block each. We travel to CB west tomorrow night.