2011 SOL Boys' BB Wrap (1-26-11)

By Scott Huff 

Perkasie – Pennridge (13-4, 7-2) was back in first place in less than 24 hours after the host Rams defeated North Penn (10-3, 7-2) in a heart pumper – 53-51.
The Suburban One League Continental Conference battle for the top spot in the standings was played before a raucous packed house in the Green Gym at Pennridge High School.
“We had lost three out of four games, and we were starting to hear that we must have been lucky,” said Pennridge head coach Dean Behrens. “We showed some real mental and physical toughness against a very good North Penn team.”
North Penn head coach Ron Hassler agreed with Behrens – especially about the physical toughness.
“I’m a little upset (with the officiating),” said Hassler in reference to the fact that North Penn shot zero free throws the entire game. “Pennridge plays really good defense, and when you play that aggressive defense, you usually get to the foul line.
“I have coached over 750 high school games, and I have never coached a game where a team didn’t shoot one free throw,” added Hassler. “I don’t want to take anything away from Pennridge – they played a great second half and beat us - but I can’t believe that we didn’t go to the foul line the entire game.”
It didn’t look like it was going to matter how many free throws North Penn was going to take. The Knights dominated the first half – led at one point 30-16 – and closed out the first half with a seemingly safe 30-20 lead.
“That might have been the best first half of basketball we played all year,” said Hassler. “And the second half might have been one of the worst.”
Pennridge stormed back to 30-28 at the outset of the third period, and the quarter closed with the game deadlocked at 34-34.
There would be seven lead changes in the fourth period as both Jared Schaffer – who scored a game-high 15 points – and Rocky Ferrier – who added eight points – knocked down key baskets for the Rams.
In the final moments Pennridge would go a perfect 6-for-6 from the charity stripe as Mike Guldin, Tim Abruzzo, and Andrew Lyons all connected on both ends of one-and-ones.
“We played with a lot of confidence in the fourth period,” added Behrens. “This was a very important game for us to win.”
On Monday, Pennridge lost to Central Bucks South (3-13) – 55-41. The setback knocked the Rams out of first place for the first time all season.
“What a difference 24 hours can make,” smiled Behrens as the Rams, Knights, and Central Bucks East all own 7-2 SOL Continental records. “Now we have to play CB East on Friday.”
There are no game days off in the SOL Continental Conference.
Free Throws – The Brooks brothers – Wes & Sean – each scored 15 points for the Knights…Matt Possanza added 12 points for North Penn…Lyons scored 13 points for Pennridge, while Abruzzo added 12 points for the Rams.
North Penn     17 13 4   17 -     51
Pennridge       9   11 14 19 -     53
North Penn: Wes Brooks 15; Sean Brooks 15; Tyler Houpt 5; Matt Possanza 12; Tom Scott 4. Total – 51
Pennridge: Kyle Peters 1; Andrew Lyons 13; Mike Guldin 4; Rocky Ferrier 8; Tim Abruzzo 12; Jared Schaffer 15. Total – 53.
Around the SOL Continental Conference
Central Bucks East (9-5, 7-2) kept pace with the conference leaders with a 55-52 victory over visiting Hatboro-Horsham (6-9, 3-6).
The Patriots were led in scoring by DJ Beausejour with a game-high 14 points. Ryan O’Neil added 13 points for CBE, while Matt Stauffer added 12 points.
It was the seventh straight victory for the Patriots.
The Hatters led by five points at the end of the first period, and led by three points at intermission.
Hatboro Horsham      10 14 7   21 -     52
Central Bucks East    5   16 11 23 -     55
Souderton (10-6, 6-3) remained in the thick of the conference title chase with a thrilling 45-44 victory over Central Bucks South (3-14, 2-7).
The win keeps the Indians just one game behind Pennridge, North Penn, and Central Bucks East in the Continental Conference.
Anthony Sergio hit a jump shot with 1.3 seconds left in the game to provide the game-winning points for the Big Red. Sergio finished the game with nine points.
The leading scorer for Souderton was Mark Wonderling who scored a game-high 21 points.
Central Bucks West (10-6, 5-4) defeated Quakertown (1-14, 0-9) – 57-32.
The Bucks were led in scoring by Kevin Sweet with a game-high 13 points. Seth Condi and Quinn Cox each scored nine points for the winners.
Quakertown was led in scoring by junior Corey Jorgensen with a team-high 11 points. Kenny Cuadrado scored nine points for the Panthers.
Quakertown    9   8   5   10 -     32
CB West          13 19 13 12 -     57
Ghosts Put Scare Into CR North
Abington (6-11, 2-7) took a lead with 15 seconds left in the game, but could not secure the victory against powerful Council Rock North (15-1, 9-0) as the Indians escaped with a 55-54 SOL National Conference victory.
Ghost guard DJ McFadden buried a jumper with 15 ticks left on the clock to give Abington a 54-53 lead. 
However, Rock North's Charlie Anastasi scored on a follow at the buzzer to give the Indians the win.
“The first 28 minutes of that game were the best basketball we played all season,” said Abington head coach Charles Grasty. “I told my players after the game that we were that close to beating the number one team in the district.
“Council Rock is good – very good,” added Grasty. “In that last quarter they forced us into turnovers, and they scored off those turnovers. They pressured us, and we didn’t handle it well enough.”
The Ghosts had a magnificent game turned in by sophomore Jordan Simmons who scored a game-high 21 points.
“Jordan stepped up and played his best game of the season,” said Grasty. “He made some three-point field goals, but he was also aggressive going to the basket.”
Wesley Rines also scored in double digits for the Ghosts with 17 points.
Council Rock North featured a balanced scoring attack in the victory as Arron Goodman scored a team-high 18 points.
Other twin digit scorers for Rock North were Aaron Morgan (13), Anastasi (12), and John Raymon (10).
“Even though we lost the game, I think we can gain some momentum from this one,” said Grasty. “We have Pennsbury and Council Rock South next, and both of them beat us the first time.”
And the Ghosts are more than hopeful for a turnaround.
Council Rock North   6   18 10 21 -     55
Abington                     18 9   15 12 -     54
Council Rock North: Charlie Anastasi 12; Arron Goodman 18; Matt McCloskey 2; Aaron Morgan 13; John Raymon 10. Total – 55
Abington: DJ McFadden 4; Jordan Monroe 1; Jiere Morrisey 2; Wesley Rines 17; Jordan Simmons 21; Vincent Tranquillo 4. Total – 54.
Around the SOL National Conference
William Tennent (5-10, 1-8) needed two overtimes to secure its first conference victory as the Panthers edged Council Rock South (6-10, 3-6) – 65-64.
Tyler Wuensche led WT to the win with a 16-point performance. Cole Weber added 14 points for the Panthers, while Jack Rauchut scored 13 points for the winners.
The Golden Hawks were led is scoring by Justin Thomas with a game-high 17 points. Mike Dipaolo added 13 points for CRS, while Pat Silverthorn scored in twin digits with 12 points.
CR South        13 7    17 7    7    13 -     64
William Tennent   12 14 8    10 7    14 -     65
Bensalem (13-3, 8-1) had to fight off a determined Truman (6-9, 3-6) as the Owls clipped Truman - 43-42.
Leo Vincent led the Bensalem attack with 14 points, while Chris McMullin added 12 points for the Owls.
Shaun Miller scored a game-high 23 points to pace the Tigers. Sophomore Merdic Green added nine points for HST.
Bensalem 14 12 10 7   -     43
Truman     6   10 13 13 -     42
Neshaminy (13-2, 7-2) trailed early in its game but rallied to defeat Pennsbury (4-11, 2-7) ­– 62-46.
Ryan Arcidiacono led the Skins with 21 points, while Mike McGarry added 11 points. Dwight Williams scored in twin digits with 10 points.
Kieran Bolger led the Falcons with a team-high 17 points, while Zach Sibel added 10 points for Pennsbury.
Neshaminy      8   19 12 23 -     62
Pennsbury       11 7   11 17 -     46
Vikings Sail to Conference Victory
Upper Merion (8-8, 3-5) defeated Upper Dublin (10-8, 2-6) for the second time this season as the Vikings sailed to a 56-45 SOL American Conference victory.
“We needed Dallas Chesky tonight,” said Upper Merion head coach Francis Bowe as his junior scored 16 points. “We had struggled the last four games with a stomach virus, but he really stepped up and played his best game of the season in the clutch.
“Pat Stringfield also led the offense late in the game,” added Bowe of his point guard that scored 12 of his game-high 18 points in the final period. “It was a very good team win for us.”
Upper Dublin – which led 21-20 at the close of the first half – was led in scoring by guard John Decamara. Decamara led the Cardinals with a team-high 17 points.
Upper Dublin       9    12 9   15 -     45
Upper Merion       6    14 15 21 -     56
Upper Dublin: Andrew Carber 9; John Decamara 17; Tyreek Magruder 9; Briyon Turner 2; Matt Morgan 2; Darrell Harrison 6. Total – 45.
Upper Merion: James Mobley 7; Dallas Chesky 16; Ryan McGee 2; Pat Stringfield 18; Naim Cheeseboro 6; Ed Chilmillio 7. Total – 56.
Around the SOL American Conference
Plymouth Whitemarsh (11-3, 8-0) remained unbeaten in conference play with a 78-26 victory over Upper Moreland (1-13, 0-8).
The Colonials were led in scoring by Jaylen Bond with a game-high 28 points. Sam Pygatt scored in twin digits for PW with 13 points.
The lone double figure scorer for the Golden Bears was Matt Worley with 12 points.
Plymouth Whitemarsh     21 21 20 16 -     78
Upper Moreland   5   10 9   2   -     26
Norristown (14-2, 7-1) kept pace with PW as the Eagles flew by Wissahickon (8-8, 3-5) – 61-44.
Norristown was led is scoring by Tyreese White with 18 points. Maleek Williams added 15 points for the Eagles, while Aaron Webb scored 12 points for the winners.
Anthony McKie was the high scorer for Wissahickon with 11 points, while Tanoh Kpassagnon scored 10 points for the Trojans.
Norristown      16 16 12 17 -     61
Wissahickon   11 13 11 6   -     41