ATI Athletic Training Tip of the Week
Get Back in the Game! Overuse Injuries
What? Overuse or chronic Injuries are injuries that occur over time, as a result of repetitive micro-trauma to tendons, joints and bones. Examples include patella tendinitis, tennis elbow, and shin splints.
Why? There is a certain amount on stress needed for the body to adapt and grow stronger. Too much of an activity too soon, not enough recovery time, or poor technique make it difficult for the body to adapt and chronic injuries can occur. Chronic injuries can happen when you are just starting a sport, when you have a sudden change in intensity or duration, or towards the end of a season.
How? Training errors are the most common cause of overuse injuries, whether it be too much too soon, improper technique, or breakdown in form due to fatigue.
Treatment? If you have an overuse injury, cut back intensity, duration and frequency of activity. See your athletic trainer for stretches/exercises and any additional recommendations specific to your injury. Make sure there is proper warm up before activity and ice after.
Prevention? Proper training and listening to your body are key for preventing overuse injuries! Allow your body the time it needs to recover - “no pain, no gain” does not apply here!
Remember, for all injuries, it is best to be seen by your certified athletic trainer! They can guide you on the best way to recover and get back in the game!
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