Players from Neshaminy, CR South, William Tennent & Wissahickon are featured in the first Bergey’s Buick GMC Highlighting. The players are selected by nomination of their coaches.
Bergey’s Buick GMC
Highlighting…SOL Field Hockey Players
This recognition is sponsored by Bergey’s Buick GMC. Athletes are chosen based on nomination of coaches.
Bergey’s Buick GMC National Conference Highlighted Players
Mia Sexton, Neshaminy Senior Forward
Note from the coach:
“In the years past, Mia has always been an important part of Neshaminy field hockey, but this year as a senior captain, she has taken on some new roles,” coach Jamie Pinto said. “She has really done a great job leading the team on and off the field. She is a very versatile player, she can play midfield or forward and plays back in the cage on defensive corners. This year we need her at forward-- she has a natural ability to go to goal, she gets good touches, distributes the ball well, and has really helped the newer and younger players around her. We are about halfway through our season, and I'm excited to see how she will continue to lead the team and still continue to improve every game. After this year, she will be continuing her playing career at Temple University, where I know she will continue to work hard.”
About Mia:
Best memory playing field hockey: “Going into overtime last year against Council Rock South, one of our biggest rivals, and having the winning assist.”
Part of the game I enjoy the most: “The feeling after my team scores a goal.”
How did you get involved in hockey: “When I was five years old, I went to the Neshaminy field hockey camp with my older cousins, Marlena and Jackie, and I went back every year after, including my senior year.”
My role model is: “My cousin, Marlena.”
Music on iPod: Hip-Hop, Rap and Country
Favorite food: Biscuits
Favorite class: Studio Art
Future plans: Major in Business and play Division 1 field hockey for Temple University.
Four people – dead or alive – I’d invite to a dinner party: Steve Irwin, Bear Grylls, Miley Cyrus and Leonardo DiCaprio.
Sarah Womer, Council Rock South, Senior Midfielder
Note from the coach:
“Sarah is a senior captain and three-year varsity letter winner,” coach Lisa Belz said. “She is a great team player and leader. She has outstanding speed and ball control. She is extremely coachable and willing to play any position if it is for the better of the team. Sarah is a determined, dedicated athlete and has been a great asset to our team and overall program.”
About Sarah:
Best memory playing field hockey: “Any time we play our biggest rival Council Rock North because of the competitive atmosphere.”
Part of the game I enjoy the most: “My favorite part of hockey is getting hyped for a huge game and being part of a team.”
How did you get involved in hockey? “I didn’t know anything about field hockey until middle school. I tried out with some of my best friends and ended up loving it.”
My role model is: “My dad who has made it to just about every game to support me and my team.”
Music on iPod: “A little bit of everything. Mostly country and rap.”
Favorite food: Chicken Parm
Favorite class: Psychology
Future plans: Attend and play field hockey at Shippensburg University and major in Marketing or Psychology
Four people – dead or alive – I’d invite to a dinner party: Katie Reinprecht, my dad, Rihanna, Leonardo DiCaprio
Bergey’s Buick GMC Continental Conference Highlight Player
Lexi Freiling, William Tennent Senior Midfielder
Note from the coach:
“Lexi is a coachable player that has a remarkable attitude towards competition and always puts the team first,” coach Kaitlyn Rauchut said. “She relishes in the camaraderie with her teammates and the rewarding feeling that ensues whenever collectively accomplishing any of our team goals. Since field hockey is played at an incredibly fast pace, Lexi’s athleticism shines on the field. Her strong presence and fearless demeanor are admirable. Lexi is one of those go-getters that coaches love to coach due to their commendable instincts, confidence and high caliber stick skills. Over the past three years, her skills have improved immensely making her a threat on the offensive end and a clutch defender in times of adversity. Even at the elite level, Lexi is consistently thriving to learn new skills. Lexi has a tremendous amount of endurance and drive to compete every day. She is a leader who always leads by example. I am extremely proud of the grit and perseverance Lexi displays on and off the field.”
About Lexi:
Best memory playing field hockey: “My best memory playing field hockey was scoring my first varsity goal sophomore year at our home pink out charity game for breast cancer.”
Part of the game I enjoy the most: “The part of the game that I enjoy the most is the slow clap before every game. It gets me pumped every time no matter what mood I am in!”
How did you get involved in hockey? “I got involved in hockey because I always played lacrosse, and Tennent does not carry the sport. I figured I would give field hockey a shot. I ended up falling in love with the game!”
My role model is: “My mom, because no matter what happens I know I will always have her there, even when I complain. Another person I look up to is Paige Selenski because she is an amazing field hockey player.”
Music on iPod: “A mix of everything, but mostly country.”
Favorite food: “Anything Mexican. I love chicken and cheese quesadillas. I also love chicken fingers and French fries.”
Favorite class: Sports Medicine
Future plans: “Continue playing field hockey in college and hopefully major in something with sports medicine like physical therapy.”
Four people – dead or alive – I’d invite to a dinner party: “If I could have dinner with four people, I would pick Marilyn Monroe because I think she is perfect. Leonardo DiCaprio because EVERYONE loves him and he's very good looking. I would invite Carrie Underwood. Another person I would invite is Rachel McAdams because I think she is a wonderful actress.”
Bergey’s Buick GMC American Conference Highlighted Player
Sarah Cammarota, Wissahickon Senior Defender
Note from the coach:.
“Sarah is a senior captain this year and one of the strongest leaders on our team,” coach Leah Angstadt said. “She comes to practice every day with a great attitude and a strong work ethic. She pushes herself to give her absolute best at whatever it is we are working on. Whether it be conditioning or push passing, she strives to give her very best. She is a great role model for the younger girls and one that they definitely look up too. She is one of the strongest defenders on our team and holds down the fort at center back. She is a major key to our success this season.”
About Sarah:
Best memory playing field hockey: Before my junior year, I’d always played midfield or forward, and it never seemed like I really clicked in my position. Junior year, however, my coach made me play left defender, and I knew immediately that defense was where I should’ve been playing all along. I felt so in sync with the team that year and my game has been improving ever since.”
Part of the game I enjoy the most: “I always love right before night games, the anticipation that you don’t seem to get when you play during the day. It’s usually for Senior Night or big games, so the mood in the air before night games is always electric. Everyone on the team is feeling the same anticipation, and it seems like the entire team is in sync.”
How did you get involved in hockey? “I’ve been playing since second grade when my mom signed me up for the township’s instructional league.”
My role models are: “My two brothers. They’re my best friends and have both been so strong in the face of adversity. Whenever I’m struggling I try to be as strong as I know they’d be.”
Music on iPod: “My friends make fun of me for having ‘hipster’ music because I listen to alternative and indie pop and some really obscure eclectic stuff.”
Favorite food: “Pho. It’s a Vietnamese soup that is the ultimate comfort food.”
Favorite class: “I loved AP Biology my junior year. My teacher was the most passionate and involved teacher I’ve ever had, and I thought everything we learned was so interesting and so applicable to real life.”
Future plans: “I hope to go to a college (preferably in the city) and study international relations and biology. I also hope to play club hockey throughout college.”
Four people – dead or alive – I’d invite to a dinner party: Neil Degrasse Tyson, Friedrich Nietzsche, Virginia Woolf, Pope Francis
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