District One Reorganization Plan

PRESS Release

August 6, 2015


Throughout the past school year, the District One Officers and Committee has been diligently working to reorganize the District One office to best serve the needs of our member schools. 

As most of you are aware, our long-time friend and Executive Secretary, Mr. Robert M. Ruoff, passed away on Thursday, July 23, 2015.  Bob was as dedicated an individual to the success of our students as any person in PIAA District One.  His passion and commitment extended well beyond the office or field.  He cared deeply about the success of District One and the impact co-curricular activities play in teaching life lessons, while connecting so many students to our schools.  Within the original plan, Bob Ruoff was transitioning to Special Assistant to the District One Chairperson, working on special projects. 

The reorganization will include the continuation of Ms. Dorothy Newsome in her role as an Administrative Assistant.   Mrs. Newsome has been a valued employee of District One for the past 21 years and her assistance in this reorganization is a vital component to our continued success. 

Mr. W. Rodney (Rod) Stone will be moving from Treasurer to assume the role of Executive Secretary of District One.  Mr. Stone’s qualifications are second to none and provide District One with an incredible resource. 

Joining Mr. Stone in the office will be our new Assistant Executive Secretary, Mr. Sean Kelly.  District One welcomes Mr. Kelly to our executive staff after many years of service as a Suburban One League representative on the District One Committee. 

District One also extends a warm welcome to current District One committee member, Mrs. Danielle Turner, who will assume the position of Treasurer.  As a member of the District One Committee, Danielle serves as the Girls’ Athletics representative and will continue to serve in this position. 

In closing, it is the mission of the District One executive staff to provide high quality professional services to our schools, including the finest tournament experiences for our students and attendees, while maintaining fiscal responsibility to our members.  We believe the reorganization of the District One office will enable us to meet and exceed this mission, resulting in a benefit to all member schools.  If you have any questions or I can provide further information, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Michael Barber                  
District One Chairperson
mbarber@piaa.org (610) 444-6600


Randy Ireson
District One Vice-Chairperson


Contact information:
Rod Stone    d1rodstone@gmail.com   215.859.8775
Sean Kelly  d1seankelly@comcast.net   267.884.1028
Danielle Turner  dturner@cbsd.org   267.893.3042