Dzurko Enjoys Big 33 Experience

By Scott Huff 

There never was any heart truly great and generous, that was not also tender and compassionate – Robert Frost
J.D. Dzurko played his scholastic football at North Penn High School with a lot of heart. Grit and determination was a trademark of his play on the field.
And last week at the prestigious Big 33 game, the former Knight offensive lineman expanded on that muscular organ even further.
“The best part of the entire week at Hershey was the ‘buddy’ program the team was involved in,” said Dzurko. “We were buddied up with a special needs student, and it was an eye-opening experience.
“I met Ricky Dean, who was confined to a wheel chair, and it made me appreciate all of the abilities that we take for granted,” added Dzurko. “I have a new friend for life, and I hope that we can stay in contact.
“All week long we heard that this experience was going to be ‘more than just a game’,” continued Dzurko. “And they were right.”
There was indeed a game – a game that showcased the blue chip high school talent from the states of Pennsylvania and Ohio. And after a frantic fourth period, Ohio rallied for an 18-15 victory in the final minutes of the game.
“The heat during the game was a little ridiculous,” said Dzurko who played every snap as the lone Pennsylvania center. “I was extremely tired, but I found the energy somehow to finish the game.
“Playing in a game like this was good preparation for what I have coming ahead of me on the college level,” added Dzurko who will redshirt at Delaware University next fall. “I played a lot against a nose guard who is going to Michigan (Terry Talbott – 6-4 inch, 280-pounds – Wayne High School) who was both really fast and really strong. He was quite a challenge.
“It will be strange not competing next year on a Friday or Saturday in a game,” continued Dzurko in reference to his redshirt status. “I will have to take the year to get both bigger and stronger so that I can go out on the field and dominate.
“I should be able to drop 20 pounds in weight and add 40 pounds of muscle,” added the 6-foot 3inch, 285-pound interior lineman. “I am going to work hard.”
Dzurko was able to share his Big 33 experience with North Penn head coach Dick Beck. Beck was selected by the PSCA (Pennsylvania State Coaching Association) as the head coach of the Pennsylvania squad.
“It was both good and bad having Coach Beck as my head coach at the Big 33 game,” joked Dzurko. “It was great because I respect Coach Beck, but it was bad because every time he got mad at something he yelled at me because he knew me.”
“J.D. played very well in the game,” said Beck. “We counted on him for every snap, and I knew going into the game that I could count on him.
“This is a tough game to coach,” added Beck who had very limited time for practice. “We ran some very basic stuff – really nothing like we run at North Penn.
“The game is set up for scoring, and we left a lot of scoring opportunities on the table,” added Beck. “We turned the ball over early in the game, but we still had the lead late.
“But I still really enjoyed the whole experience of being out there and meeting coaches and players,” continued Beck.
The loss was far from earth shattering to Dzurko as well.
“Of course you want to win, but that surely wasn’t the most important thing,” said Dzurko. “There are things I will remember much longer than the final score.”
And that comment came straight from the heart.
Extra Points – The Suburban One League also had another player and coach participate in the Big 33 game. Norristown sent Evan Battallio to the contest as a tight end. Battallio – who stands 6-foot 3-inches and 240 pounds - will play his collegiate football for the Crimson Hawks of Indiana University of Pennsylvania. Souderton head coach Ed Gallagher was selected to be on Beck’s Pennsylvania staff. Gallagher – height and weight unknown - was the Big 33 defensive coordinator.