Hires to Play Soccer at West Chester

Neshaminy senior Brianna Hires was recognized at a special signing ceremony on May 27, 2010, for signing a letter of intent to accept a soccer scholarship to West Chester University.

Brianna Hires – West Chester University (Soccer)
Major: Undecided but leaning toward education
Final list of colleges: West Chester, Kutztown, Lees McCray (N.C.)
Reasons for choosing West Chester: “The coach is just real outgoing and definitely nice. Also, Jen Hutch(inson), who went here last year, is going there, and she’s one of my best friends.”
When did playing soccer at the collegiate level become a reality? “Actually, since I have been little, I have always wanted to play in college and go far with it. It’s so exciting.”
Coach Rich Reice says:  “One thing that stands out about Brianna is her tenacity on the field. She had a quality about her that she didn’t want the team to not perform well. This year especially – we graduated nine of 11 starters from last year’s team, so Brianna had a bulls-eye on her back. She was constantly getting double teamed, and she still ended up with 18 goals, which tells you a lot about her.
“She made the players around her better, and that’s the sign of a good player – they make it easier for the players around them, and Bri had that quality.
“She’s going to West Chester – Jen Hutchinson is there, and I know (head coach) Betty Ann Kempf real well. I think it’s a good fit for her. They’re a very good team, so it’s already a high level program, and Bri is another piece to the puzzle.”