Lady Panthers Give Back at Christmas

The Cheltenham girls’ basketball team collected toys they donated to the Stenton Family Manor.

Three years ago, Ansy Thomas – then the manager of the Cheltenham girls’ basketball team - initiated a toy drive for the children at Stenton Family Manor. Senior Ciara ‘CC’ Andrews decided to initiate something similar with this year’s basketball squad.

“I basically told the team and put posters all around the school, asking people with toys to donate to give them to us,” the senior captain said. “The response was really good.”

The collection began in early November and culminated with the delivery of the toys to the children on Christmas Eve by Andrews and her teammates.

“It was great,” Andrews said. “The kids came in, and we said, ‘Single file.’ Kids just came in, and they were grabbing.

“The next thing we knew – we looked at the able, and where did all the toys go? It was crazy.”

According to Andrews, the experience underscored how fortunate she and her teammates are.

“It was fun,” she said. “Our parents can get us presents, and some kids aren’t as fortunate. It was just good to see they’ll have a smile on their faces for Christmas. It was just good to help other people out.”

Coach Bob Schaefer credited Andrews and her teammates for not only initiating the project but seeing it through.

“It’s good to see the kids doing something good beyond the basketball court,” the Lady Panthers’ coach said.