For more than 10 years, has had a relationship with Exposure Manager for posting and selling photos. Unfortunately, Exposure Manager is shutting down its business operation on March 1, 2018. is NOT shutting down, just the company that handled the photo processing.However, this means that all of the galleries on the web site will no longer exist after Feb. 28, 2018.
If there are any photos you have thought about purchasing or photos in your favorite folder, they need to be ordered by Feb. 28 because they will not be available after that date.This includes hundreds of thousands of photos dating back to 2007-2008.
With this in mind, SuburbanOneSports is holding a “last chance” photo sale. Everything will be sold at 50 percent off. This is not a trick to increase the bottom line. It’s very disappointing to be losing so many print memories of thousands of athletes, coaches, and games over the past ten years.
We are working to move our photo operations to a new company, but there is no way currently available to move our archived photos.
Please do not complete any purchase without seeing that a 50 percent discount has been deducted.
Thank you for your support over the last ten years.
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