Rams Capture District Crown

Pennridge defeated CR North in overtime to capture the District One AAA soccer title on Saturday night. To view action photos of the game, visit the Photo Gallery at the following link: http://photos.suburbanonesports.com/

WEST GOSHEN – Maggie Butcher couldn’t stop smiling as she recounted the final, magical seconds of her team’s thrilling 1-0 overtime win over Council Rock North in Saturday night’s District One AAA championship game.

“It’s almost like free falling through the air and being saved at the last minute – something like that where you don’t realize what’s happening,” the Pennridge senior said. “It’s so surreal.”

Butcher scored the game winner in the 87th minute of a defensive battle that featured only seven shots between the two squads. Seconds before Butcher scored the golden goal, the Rams were awarded their first corner kick of the game.

They made it count.

Shannon Cynoweth’s header on Megan Shenk’s perfectly placed kick across goal was turned away, but Butcher’s shot was not.

“Everything you’ve learned in soccer kind of flashes through your mind,” Butcher said. “Keeping it low, getting over the ball – that was something that went through my mind.”

The senior defensive back – who is pulled up on corner kicks – found the back of the net and immediately disappeared in a mob of jubilant teammates. The Rams were district champions.

Looking for the definition of ecstasy? This was it.

“I didn’t even know what was happening - everyone was running around. It was crazy,” said senior captain Stevi Parker. “Last year to come so close and to have lost in the district final – it’s unreal right now. It’s awesome.”

The win erased memories of last year’s heartbreaking 1-0 loss to Council Rock South in the district title game.

“Last year, we felt like we played so hard – we put our hearts into that game, and to have it taken away from us was the worst feeling ever,” said junior Natalia Pinkney. “We came into this game, and we were like, ‘This game is ours, and we will do whatever we can to get it back.”

While the Rams celebrated Butcher’s game winner, the Indians watched in stunned silence, many of them seemingly frozen in their spots on the turf at West Chester East High School as the ending came quickly and with very little warning.

“It was like two heavyweight boxers out there tonight,” Rock North coach Larry Sullivan said. “It was two good teams.”

The Indians’ first-year coach tipped his hat to the Rams and also credited his players for their inspired performance against district’s top-seeded team.

“Ultimately, I thought they were three goals better than us,” Sullivan said. “My kids fooled me – they played them to overtime and got beat on a (loose ball) goal.

“I think they’re the best team. We’re with the other teams, but they’re apart. They’re just that skilled. What we tried to do – and we did it for a little while – was take them out of their short passing game. We refused to play their game.”

The Indians dictated the style of play in the first half and effectively kept the Rams – who did not manage a shot in the half – out of the box.

“After our halftime talk, we knew we had to come out and possess and stop knocking it over the top because it wasn’t working out for us,” said Parker, whose consistent play in the middle of the field was a steadying force for the Rams “I think we settled down a bit, calmed our nerves and from there it got better for us.”

The Rams began to control play in the second half but still generated very few offensive opportunities. Their best chance came with time winding down in regulation, Rock North goalie Helena Gemmell came up with a diving stop of a shot from 15 yards out by Jeannie Jasinski, preserving the shutout and sending the game into OT.

Although his team did not get on the scoreboard in the second half, Ram coach Jorge Rodriguez was happy the adjustments his players made.

“I’ve never had a team where I could say a few words to them, and they respond so quickly,” the Rams’ coach said. “We chatted very briefly at halftime. I gave them the same speech I gave them against Strath Haven, and they went out there and just did it like it was the easiest thing.

“It was two different halves. In the first half, I think both teams were feeling each other out, but they definitely made it very difficult for us to get behind them. I thought their back four played phenomenal today.”

Rodriguez had special praise for Rock North defensive back Juliah Wexler.

“I thought she was the best player on the field in the first half,” he said. “She really kept them in it.

“I thought the difference in the game was they don’t have that central player with Nicole Noonan (out with an injury), and it made it a little easier for us to deal with them in the middle.”

With offensive opportunities at a premium the entire night for both squads, it looked as though it might take more than one OT to determine a winner. It didn’t as the Rams – thanks to the opportunistic Butcher - capitalized on their first and only corner kick of the game.

“If we didn’t get that in, I would have been so frustrated because we worked so hard all game,” said senior captain Ashley Schoelkopf, who earned the shutout in goal. “As soon as that goal went in, it was like– I can’t even tell you. It was just indescribable. It just felt amazing.

“I remember being a freshman and watching (goalie) Shannon (Zickler) do this. That was such a great memory, and now I have my own, and it’s so much better. It feels awesome knowing we earned it.”

The district title was the first for the Rams since they won the title 2008.

 “I think most of all we’re just grateful,” said Schoelkopf. “We did have all the talent – we did have a great team this year, and we’re so grateful that we were able to reach our goals.”

“It’s pretty special,” Rodriguez added. “I think the expectations were very high to begin with, especially with the talent we have.

“When you look at our roster, we don’t have a ton of seniors playing, and we don’t have a ton of juniors either. We have a combination of sophomores, juniors, seniors, and we have a freshman playing.  It’s pretty special for everybody.”

While the Rams will take on Conestoga, the sixth place team from District One, in the opening round of states on Tuesday, the Indians will face a familiar foe when they take on the district’s fifth place squad – archrival Council Rock South.

“I’m so proud of them,” Sullivan said. “I just told them – it’s a new beginning, and now we’re going to do it again in states. We’re looking forward to it.”


In Friday’s fifth place game, the Golden Hawks received a goal from Kate Jackson to earn the win.
“The kids played really well,” coach John Oberholtzer said. “There were few offensive opportunities on Conestoga’s part. We played well.”