Rheiner to Play Lax at US Naval Academy

On Tuesday, February 8, 2011, Council Rock North senior Lindsay Rheiner was recognized at a special news conference for signing a letter of intent to play lacrosse at the United States Naval Academy. The CR North senior also was the state champion in cross country last fall.

Lindsay Rheiner – U.S. Naval Academy (Lacrosse)
Major: Oceanography
Final list of colleges: U.S. Naval Academy, University of Pennsylvania
Reasons for choosing the Naval Academy: “I committed in July (of 2010). At first thinking of the military in general, I kind of was scared and didn’t know what to think, but just the whole team aspect – in everything you do, you have to rely on other people. The lacrosse team attracted me so much, and I kind of fit in there. Being there for a week at camp, I just fell in love with it, and the location is perfect.”
What was the progression that led you to playing lacrosse at the collegiate level? “Around the end of my sophomore year the summer going into my junior, I made a lacrosse tape. The recruiting process was very hard. I was surprised how much it really takes. Your senior year you think you’re going to get piled up with applications, but recruiting is more the fall of your junior year.
“My (lacrosse) club coach was teammates and roommates with the Navy lacrosse coach, Cindy Timchal. When they contacted me, I saw she was really building a strong program, and I really wanted to be part of that process. I couldn’t ask for a better coach to play under.”
Co-coach Pat Toner says: “You’re lucky if you get one or two kids like Lindsay in your lifetime, so I feel really fortunate to have had the opportunity to coach her. She’s not only an amazing athlete but an amazing person. She would do anything to help anyone. Beyond the obvious phenomenal athletic ability she has, Lindsay is the kind of kid that’s very unassuming. She’s very caring about everyone. She will be friends with someone who’s a freshman, she’ll be friends with someone who is starting out. She’s the kind of kid – if you need help, she’ll help.
“She’s a phenomenal athlete. She has fantastic stickwork, and she has a great shot. She never gets tired – she has endurance from running cross country. She has everything you would want in an athlete. Sometimes she would lack a little bit of self-confidence, which I could never understand, but that’s what made her the kind of person she was.
“She was never concerned about her stats. She never thought she was better than anyone else. Her vision on the field is very good, and she was good at feeding people and very good at understanding the game and the plan we had. She would be the one who would call everyone to make sure they were excited about the game.
“The biggest vision I have of her is Lindsay walking up and down the hill to our field carrying the equipment. I used to call her a nomad. She didn’t mind doing it. She didn’t think she was better than anyone. When I lost my brother and sister, she was the first person to text to see if I was okay. She’s a genuinely caring and loving person. She’s a special kid.”
Co-coach Carolyn Kacergis said: “Lindsay is an unbelievable athlete and has so much skill and knowledge of the game of lacrosse. On top of that, she’s such a loyal and trustworthy person, and I think Navy is a perfect fit for her. There’s no doubt she will do great things in the future. I really couldn’t be happier and more excited for her. I think she will excel in their program both academically and athletically.
“She has an extremely hard work ethic. She sets goals for herself where she challenges herself to do the best she absolutely can do. She also encourages the rest of the team, and that’s what made her such a great captain. She not only was the hardest working person herself, she also wanted to see the rest of her teammates excel and do well. She never was a selfish player. She always looked to make other people look good, and that’s why Navy is such a great fit for her.
“Lindsay is an all-around great kid. She has so much talent overall. It was an honor to coach her, and it was so much fun to just watch her play. She has so much poise and finesse in the game, and just watching her run – she was a beautiful player to watch. She’s an all-around tremendous kid. I can’t say enough good things about her.”