On Thursday, April 18, 2013, Pennsbury senior Joe Sabatino was recognized at a special news conference for signing a letter of intent to play baseball at Philadelphia University.
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Joe Sabatino – Philadelphia University (Baseball)
Major: Business
Final list of colleges: Philadelphia, Misericordia
Reasons for choosing Philadelphia University: “Philly U came out to see a game, and a week later, they called me with an offer, and I took it right away. I knew it was a good school. Ken McCormick played (at Pennsbury), and he goes there. He’s only said great things about it, so it made my decision a little easier knowing he’s on the team there. They’re a real young team, and I figure when I get there I can only help keep building it up, and eventually, we will be really good.”
What was the progression that led you to playing collegiate baseball? “I actually quit baseball my seventh grade year, but then I decided in eighth grade that I couldn’t quit, I really wanted to play. I got time on varsity as a sophomore, and that’s when I realized I had an opportunity to pursue college baseball. From there on, I really wanted to play.”
Coach Joe Pesci says: “I have known Joe since seventh grade. I coached him in Pennwood Middle School basketball, and I’ve coached him here three or four years. What sets him apart is his determination. He was here in the summertime, in the fall and winter at almost every workout, taking on a leadership role. Beyond being a good, solid pitcher, it’s his leadership and his work ethic that makes him successful.
“I don’t know if Joe had the confidence in the past, but he had a good couple of starts and a good couple of relief innings last year and then had a successful summer. I think Philly U is a great fit for him.”
About Joe:
Favorite food: Chicken Parmesan
Favorite movie: The Rookie
Favorite music: Kendrick Lamar
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