On Wednesday, February 20, 2013, Souderton senior John Santoianni was recognized for signing a letter of intent to play baseball at Villanova University. To view photos of the signing, please visit the Photo Gallery.
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John Santoianni – Villanova University (Baseball)
Major: Business
Final list of colleges: Villanova, Seton Hall, Northeastern, Old Dominion
Reasons for choosing Villanova: “I chose Villanova because I thought it was a great fit for me. It was urban but not too urban. It’s a good school academically, and I have the opportunity to play baseball there. It has a great business (program) and will help me accomplish all the goals I have set for myself.”
Favorite high school baseball memory: “Going to Maryland with the high school baseball team. It was a great experience, and I became close with numerous teammates because of the trip.”
What was the progression that led you to playing collegiate baseball? “I’ve always played the three sports – football, basketball and baseball, but around the age of 12, I knew it could be a real possibility for baseball. That’s when I started to focus on it and work hard towards playing it in college.”
Coach Mike Childs says: “First of all, he’s a bigger kid who throws hard as a pitcher, and he also was one of the top hitters on our team. He hits the ball hard, and he can hit for power. He has a great upside, and I think he will do well at Villanova, helping them out with his bat and pitching.”
About John:
Favorite food: Pizza
Favorite movie: Gladiator
Favorite music: Everything
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