SOL Boys/Girls Swimming Notebook (12-21-16)

This week’s notebook features swimmers from Neshaminy, Souderton and Hatboro-Horsham.

National Conference

Josh Hartley, Neshaminy
Neshaminy senior captain Josh Hartley makes no secret of his loyalties.
“The swim team is my pride and joy,” he said. “I’m so proud of this team, of how hard we work and how much we support each other. As a captain, I feel that my role is to just try to help bring out the best in everyone, and I’m really honored and proud to do that.
“I see so much potential here. We have so many bright new faces, and to be the captain of such a great team really humbles me. We’ve really been trying to recruit new people and continue to build the program up and keep it going. There have been some really hard times here, and I’d like for them to keep moving forward.”
A four-year swimmer, he began swimming as an eight-year-old with Neshaminy’s age group program, CORE.
“We live very close to Poquessing Middle School, which is where they swim, so my mom signed me up for it,” he said. “It started out as an activity, but when I got to high school, it became very serious for me.”
He would like to swim in college and has already been accepted by his top choice, Shippensburg.
“Coincidentally it’s where our coach, Brian Suter, went to college so he’s very happy,” Hartley said.
He is considering a major in pharmacy.
“I like science and I like helping people so that seems like a good fit for me,” he said.
In addition to swimming, he plays the trombone.
“I didn’t do marching band this year because I ran cross country but I have been in the marching band in the past,” he said. “I’ve also been in the symphony orchestra, wind ensemble and jazz band.”

Continental Conference

Rory Sinkinson, Souderton
Rory Sinkinson followed his younger brother Reid into the pool.
“He started swimming and I went to a couple of his practices,” said Sinkinson, a junior. “It looked interesting to me so I ended up swimming, too.”
The two are now teammates on Souderton, where Reid is a sophomore.
“It’s fun to be on the same team as him, and swimming has certainly brought us closer together,” Sinkinson said.
Sinkinson spent the early part of his high school career as a sprinter, but recently has gotten into longer distances.
“I’m experimenting with the 200 and 500-yard freestyles,” he said. “It’s an undiscovered talent that I never even considered before. I’m trying to figure out how much time I can drop.
“My goal is to get to districts in the 500 and I’m pretty confident in the 200, but I don’t want to get ahead of myself. Really, I’m looking to do well in each meet and just focus on that. If I do that, then I think the times will follow.
“I like having that versatility of being able to sprint but also to do the longer distances.”
In addition to swimming, Sinkonson plays water polo and lacrosse at Souderton.
“I have a deep passion for all the sports I play,” he said. “I’m committed to each sport in its season. I really love lacrosse. That was my first sport. Water polo I picked up in my freshman year and I really like that. A lot of my teammates from swimming also play water polo.”
In addition to athletics, he is also a member of the Athletic Leadership Club and the Leo Club, which is a junior Lions Club.

American Conference

Katie Moore, Hatboro-Horsham
It’s an exciting time for Katie Moore.
“I have expectations for our team this year,” said Moore, a senior for Hatboro-Horsham. “I think we’re very strong and we have a lot of depth. I’m really looking forward to the season. I think we should win a lot.”
The departure of Upper Merion and Norristown from the league caused some shuffling of teams among the conferences. The Hatters were among those impacted and now find themselves in the American Conference after a long tenure in the Continental.
“We moved to a different conference this year and it is kind of weird because for three years I swam in another conference and now it’s all new,” Moore said. “It’s going to be a bit of a change but I think it will be just as fun.
“It’s always fun to swim different teams so I think it’s good to switch it up.”
She has her eye on the 100-yard breaststroke.
“I have high expectations for our team but for myself, I’m just focused as always on improving and doing the best I can while having fun,” Moore said. “My goal is to drop time and make it to districts in the breaststroke and hopefully go to states again on a relay. That was an amazing experience and I’d love to do it again.”
Out of the pool, Moore is a member of student council, the senior advisory and helps plan the prom.
“I like being very busy,” she said.
She is undecided on a college but is considering Ursinus and Penn State. She would like to swim and major in criminal justice or forensic science.