SOL/BAL Comes Up Short in Title Game

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By Scott Huff
PHILADELPHIA – Six inches.
That was the distance between a scorching double and a blistering home run off the bat of Neshaminy graduate Rick Brebner in the eighth inning of the SOL National/Bicentennial League’s 7-3 loss to Jersey Shore in the 2010 Carpenter Cup Final Wednesday at Citizens Bank Park.
“I put a really good swing on the ball, and once I saw the outfielder turn around I thought I had a good chance of hitting it out,” smiled Brebner who hit the top of the fence that shows the Major League Baseball out of town scores in right center field. “It was very exciting to play in this game, and I wasn’t told that I could DH in the game until yesterday.”
Brebner – who was injured in an American Legion game a month ago – has not seen live pitching since sustaining his concussion.
“I missed the first three games (of the Carpenter Cup series), but I really wanted to get a chance to play in this game again,” said Brebner. “The doctor gave me the go-ahead yesterday, and I was thankful that I was able to get some at-bats today.”
“What Rick did today was amazing,” said Neshaminy head coach Dennis Cox – a member of the SOL/Bicentennial League coaching staff. “He comes in without seeing any pitching for a month, and he gets a breaking ball that he almost hits out of a major league ballpark.
“We just played like (bleep) the first four innings of this game,” added Cox. “And that was the difference   between winning and losing.”
Jersey Shore took full advantage of some poor fielding to take a 6-0 lead going into the last of the fourth inning. The SOL/Bicentennial committed four errors in that span that led to five unearned runs.
The losers sliced the lead to 6-2 as Brebner collected an RBI on a sacrifice fly, and Ryan Hartley (Council Rock North) drove home a run with a double.
Jersey Shore – which last won the Carpenter Cup in 2002 – tacked on an insurance run in the seventh inning.
The lanky Brebner laced his double to drive home what proved to be the final run of the game in the eighth inning.
“We have gotten to the final game the last three years,” said Brebner as the SOL/Bicentennial League, which captured a Carpenter Cup trophy in 2008 and lost in the finals last season to Burlington County. “This has been one of the greatest experiences that I have had playing baseball.”
Cox is a veteran of 20 years of coaching in the Carpenter Cup.
“I really enjoy being here, being around the players,” said Cox. “I enjoy coaching players that I have coached against all season, and you get to see the quality of players and people that they are.
“Every player on the field is an all-star,” added Cox. “And they are an all-star for a reason. There was a lot of talent on the field.”
Brian Beyer (Truman) was part of that deep talent pool. The muscular Tiger junior catcher had a pair of eye-popping throws to second base. Beyer also chipped in with a solid single.
“This was a really terrific opportunity for me to play on a field as nice as this one, and against outstanding players” said Beyer who has attracted Division One colleges that includes the University of North Carolina. “I hope that I can continue to get bigger and stronger and earn that Division One scholarship.”
There was some other fine individual play by Suburban One League players despite the team loss.
The Council Rock South keystone combination of Jerry Mulderig and Bill Fleming played extremely well in the field. Fleming also excelled at the plate with a pair of hits – including a double.
The pitching line from the SOL also fared well as Greg Welsh (CR South), Darren Lauer (CR North), Jake Ruch (Abington), and Frank Leonhardt (Neshaminy) permitted just a single earned run over seven innings.
“The coaches and I really enjoy what we are doing,” said Cox. “I hope to be back again next year.”
Jersey Shore 0 2 0 4 0 0 1 0 0 - 7 10 1
SOL Nat/Bic 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 1 0 - 3   6 4
Jersey Shore – Kalish cf 3 1 0 1; Impriale cf 1 0 1 0; Hueth dh 3 0 1 2; Ramirez dh 2 0 0 0; Solomon 3b 3 0 1 0; Selden 3b 2 0 1 0; Perry c 3 0 0 0; Kane c 2 0 0 0; Saito 1b 3 1 1 1; West 1b 2 1 0 0; Roskey lf 1 0 0 0; Orgen lf 3 1 1 0; Ricciardi ss 3 1 1 0; Ferrara 1 0 1 1; Kapp rf 2 2 1 0; Mathaey rf 1 0 0 0; Smarsluk 2b 3 0 1 0; Louie 2b 1 0 0 0. Totals 39 7 10 5.
SOL National/Bicentennial – Davis ss 2 0 0 0; Fleming 3 0 2 0; Lazor ss 1 0 0 0; Tentilucci   rf 3 1 0 0; Filer lf 1 0 0 0; Olenski lf 3 2 0 0; Burns c 0 0 0 0; Beyer c 4 0 1 0; Schwartz 1b 1 0 1 0; Ryan Hartley 3b 3 0 1 1; Hyjurick dh 1 0 0 0; Brebner dh 1 0 1 2; Schotis 2b 1 0 0 0; Mulderig 2b 2 0 0 0; Salvatore 3b 1 0 0 0; Thomas 1b 2 0 0 0; Mascoli cf 1 0 0 0; Wiertz cf 3 0 0 0. Totals 33 3 6 3
Jersey Shore             Inn     H     R     ER     K     BB
McGee                 3.0      1      0       0       4       1
Kennett              2.0       2      2       2       1       1
Dribelbis            2.0       0      0       0       0       2
Panduri              0.1       2      1       1       0       0
Morris                1.2       1      0       0       0       0
SOL National/Bicentennial
Berardi              2.0       4      2        1      2      0
Welsh                3.0       2      4        0        4     1
Lauer                3.0       4      1        1        2     1
Ruch                 0.2       0      0        0        1     0
Leonhardt        0.1        0     0        0        0     0