The Way I See It: Vol. 7

In this seventh edition of Coach Carey’s blog, ‘The Way I See It,’ the former coach takes a closer look at last week’s Game of the Week pitting Pennsbury against Abington. He also gives his take on several of the key showdowns in the final week of the regular season. What are your thoughts on Abington’s huge upset over Pennsbury?

Coach Carey: I actually had a buddy of mine film the game, so I had a chance to see it, and I’ve also talked to people who were actually there. That win is a feather in Abington’s cap. It shows that good game coaching combined with players following the game plan equates to victory. I thought Kevin Conlin, the defensive coordinator from Abington, did a marvelous job. He had his D-line angling, he blitzed often, and he had Pennsbury very, very scouted. Abington’s defensive players swarmed to the ball and really out-quicked a bigger Pennsbury team. He realized he would have a hard time playing straight technique vs. the huge Pennsbury ‘O’ line. Movement was the key…and Abington did it to perfection.
I thought Abington’s head coach Tim Sorber did a marvelous job offensively. He saw that Pennsbury played a lot of two-deep and three-deep zones. Tim devised a game plan of slants, seams, skinny posts, etc. that took full advantage of the holes in the zones. Of course, it doesn’t hurt to have a QB (Sam Kind) and a bevy of great receivers. That combined with getting running back Julien Ireland free at times (nice bounce outs !!!) added up to a great, great victory for Abington. It was Abington’s finest moment in the last couple of years, in my opinion. It shows how dangerous they’re going to be. I said last week I expected Abington to be in the final four teams in  district playoffs – I don’t know what the draw’s going to be or who’s going to meet who early, but Abington could very well be there at the end playing for a district title. They’re that explosive, but they need that defense to continue playing like they did last Friday night…and they will be a very tough out!
On the other side of the coin, I think Pennsbury was exposed a little bit. As much as they’ve been beating up on a lot of teams, they’ve had problems with inconsistencies, a lot of penalties, turning the ball over at times, etc. They’ve made up for this with great plays (home runs!!). I told an area coach before that game - if Abington could get up on Pennsbury, they really don’t have an offense that’s suited in come-from-behind wins. Abington kept Pennsbury from the big play (except for Devine’s 40 + yard TD dash). That’s a key to defending the Falcons…make them grind it out…no big plays. Get them in third and 5+ situations. The advantage then tilts to the DEFENSE.  The passing game for Pennsbury is average at this point and must improve to keep opposing teams respecting you and not GANGING UP on the defensive front. Pennsbury was 2-for-5 for 50 yards and an interception. This won’t get it done…not this Friday night and not in the playoffs. Pennsbury has the skill players to do it…QB Brandon Pepper is dangerous and Dante Devine, Eric Williams, Jay Jabat and company give them many nice receivers. Time will tell… Friday’s game is so big for both Neshaminy and Pennsbury. Can the loss to Abington serve a useful purpose for Pennsbury?
Coach Carey: Absolutely. The Pennsbury kids were brought down to earth. When you look at a game like that, it really stings. It resets your goals- “Hey, we have to get back to playing Pennsbury football.” One thing about Pennsbury – you can see it in the film – they’re very physical, and they have a lot of speed at different positions. They just have to start playing error-free football on both sides of the ball. You’re not going to get into a big game against Neshaminy and be afforded six, seven, eight, penalties and turn the ball over a couple of times. That’s not going to happen.
Whoever wins will WIN the outright NATIONAL Conference championship, and that’s huge. There are so many subplots – you have the league championship, you have this huge rivalry that is more important than anything because Pennsbury-Neshaminy guys just don’t like each other, and that rivalry goes back 30-40 years, and, of course, you have seedings for the playoffs.
This is a monster game. My friends and I will be there to watch in person. It’s high school football at its BEST!!!    I’m excited!! How will the respective coaching staffs play a role in this game?
Coach Carey: I really think – and I constantly say this – that the staff that’s better prepared usually gives their high school team a decided edge. This isn’t college and pro players you’re dealing with (who physically and athletically can alter a game), so the game plan is going to be huge. You need to put your team and players in the position to win. You need to find your opponent’s weaknesses on both sides of the ball and EXPOSE THEM!  I’m sure Galen Snyder and Mark Schmidt are in their WAR ROOMS drawing up plans predicated by what they’re seeing on film. “WHERE CAN I GET THAT EDGE?? “ Then, of course, there is each team’s players.  You could have the best game plan in the world, but your kids have to go out and execute it. Each coach is playing the psychological game with their players trying to get the BEST OUT OF EACH ONE. It’s important to PLAY YOUR BEST IN THE BIG GAMES…and great players always play better in the BIGGER THE GAMES.
Also, they have to keep their penalties and turnovers to a minimum (This in itself could win or lose the game). FINALLY, I say this every week – the team whose defense RISES UP is usually the team that comes out on top unless it gets into a shootout. Abington showed that this past weekend. Their team held Pennsbury – a team that is averaging close to 400 yards total offense a game – to a season low 160 yards total offense. Again, just a phenomenal job, maybe the best coaching job that Abington’s staff has done. My hat’s off to them. I’m happy for them. : What is your predication of the outcome of the Neshaminy vs. Pennsbury game?
Coach Carey: I see a very tight game going into the fourth quarter. I like Neshaminy because of their ‘O’ line, their fullback and running back, their short passing game and their Head Coach. On the flip side, I like Pennsbury because of their team speed at the skill positions and their flat out team toughness. Also, home field advantage means something…Close is what I see…very close. Your thoughts about the Council Rock North – Council Rock South game?
Coach Carey: This is a great week for football. This is a huge game. South is definitely guaranteed to get in the playoffs either way. If North wins, they’re almost assured of getting in. If they lose, North will be on the bubble. It’s contrasting styles. You have South running the triple option and North operating their spread offense. Both teams have been putting up pretty good points. I think it’s a really, really even game. I give a slight edge to Council Rock North, but it wouldn’t surprise me at all if either team wins because again, you throw the records out when you get these types of rivalries. A key turnover here or there could be the difference.
I like both head coaches a lot, and I like their philosophies. Coach (Vince) Bedesem has done a marvelous job – maybe the best coaching job with the amount of talent that anyone in the Suburban One has done this year. On the other side of the ball, Tom Coates has started to build a program, and they’re finding their niche. It takes a while for coaches to get used to the type of player they have and determine their roles. Rock North has a lot of weapons offensively. They’re starting to get a nice balance of passing and running the ball with the emergence of Brandon Cottom. I think one of the keys for Council Rock North has been their defense, which was not playing well at the beginning of the year. It has really shored up and is playing very strong. I wish that game was on Saturday because I would like to see that game. That’s going to be great big game.
I give Rock North a slight edge based on the emergence of Cottom at running back and how impressed I am with Tyler Hamilton. He’s developed so much as the year has gone on in terms of being a dual threat and also knowing when to throw the ball away. I thought early in the season he took some sacks he shouldn’t have. His tucking the ball and running really stresses the defense. He is a very good high school quarterback, a great team leader and maybe one of the top three or four safeties in the whole Delaware Valley. What are your thoughts on the Quakertown-Souderton game?
Coach Carey: That’s a monster game in the Continental Conference. I think Quakertown had a great start, but, of course, they hit that speed bump in terms of North Penn, and then they seemed to rebound somewhat since then.
I’m just extremely impressed with Souderton. They’re really a very good high school team. They did a lot of good things against North Penn. They were physical, and they didn’t back down one bit from North Penn. Of course, North Penn did wear them down in the second half, but I saw Souderton rebound and hit on all cylinders against Central Bucks East. They’re very impressive on the offensive line, and they have a lot of tough running backs. Connor Brokenshire is another quarterback who’s gone from being an inexperienced type quarterback to one who’s putting the ball on the money, a leader. He’s become a plus at that position. The ‘X’ factor is how good Souderton’s defense is. I’m very impressed with Souderton’s defense. They run multiple defenses, they hit you and they bring a lot to the table.
I like Souderton in this game. They need to win this one, and they still need help from a bunch of other teams, but it’s not impossible for them to still make the playoffs.  I just think at this point Souderton is more physical than Quakertown. I’m expecting Souderton to win this game. This is the best time of the year for high school football. This is really exciting!
TOP PLAYERS I’VE SEEN RECENTLY (in person or on film)…in no order.
1-STEPHEN STEMME, (Sr.) FB/LB, NESHAMINY. Tough kid, runs well and really hits you. Very active defensively and hits the FB trap explosively. Team leader.
2-NICK DIDONATO, (Jr.) OL/DL, NESHAMINY. Started on ‘O’ line last year as sophomore. Tough drive blocker in Neshaminy zone blocking schemes. Gets out on linebacker fast and defensively very strong
3-BRYAN DEAN, (Sr.) RB, NESHAMINY. Just flat out tough runner. Good vision and quickness through the hole. The more he carries the ball, the better he gets. Another in long line of fine Neshaminy running backs.
4-BRANDON COTTOM, (Jr.), RB, COUNCIL ROCK NORTH. I once told an area head coach that this kid was the best ninth grader I had seen in 30 years. Started slow last year as a 10th grader but now…WOW! Has a chance to be a big-time prospect. Has all the tools…needs to keep playing tough, breaking tackles and making big plays. Great future.
5-BRAXTON AMBROSE, (Sr), FB, COUNCIL ROCK SOUTH. Tough as nails. Big, tough fullback who runs people over and has speed to break it long. Durable, perfect fullback for the option game. Throwback to the football from Central Bucks West’s power days.
6-DAN BROWN, (Soph.), RB, CENTRAL BUCKS SOUTH - Saw him get his feet wet early in the season and was impressed with his moves and toughness vs. North Penn. Has continued to develop. Could be a real good one in the next two years.
7-DOM TAGGERT, (Jr.), WR/OLB, NORTH PENN. This kid’s a player!! Big, great hands, good vertical and tough. Ready to play every game (consistently makes BIG PLAYS). May be the most versatile athlete in the Suburban One League…could play that many positions. A WINNER!
8-ANDRE POE, (Sr.), DE, NORTH PENN. Area’s best pass rusher. With North Penn ahead so often, Poe lays his ears back and has a great burst. Rarely can someone outrun him.
9-CONNOR PUTZ, (Sr.), LB, CENTRAL BUCKS EAST. Versus Souderton was all over field from linebacker position. Tough, made many tackles when everyone was blocked. Never gave up, was impressive
10-JUSTYN WHITE, (Jr.), RB, CENTRAL BUCKS EAST. Explosive, downhill runner who broke many tackles in games I saw him. Strong and fast...also doubles as linebacker and is one of team’s leading tacklers. A good one!
11-KYLE CONNOLLY, (Sr.), WR/ LB, SOUDERTON. He is the total role player and one of Souderton’s success stories. Does it all. On one series, he makes a great tackle at line of scrimmage on Justyn White from his linebacker spot and next series throws a great crack-back block from his wide receiver position to spring a Souderton runner. I love this type of player…..they give their all to help the TEAM!
12-GABE STEIN, (Sr.), OL/LB, SOUDERTON. My opinion…Stein and Reeves from NP are the two best linebackers in the Suburban One. 5’9”, 195 lbs of spitting, head-banging pure OLD SCHOOL linebacker play. His tackles hurt you...and he’s been doing this for two years. Makes himself a major factor in ALL SOUDERTON GAMES. Also, a very good guard, especially pulling on Souderton’s traps and buck sweeps.
13-GIULIANA PRESTA, (Sr.), TE, ABINGTON. Big tight end who is a very good athlete. Runs great seam routes and can run after the catch. Tough match-up
14-JUSTIN GOEBEL, (Jr.), NG, ABINGTON. Quick, tough and aggressive. Everything you look for in an angling defensive lineman. Versus Pennsbury was in the backfield on many occasions. Had three tackles for losses.
THERE IT IS…keep the e-mails coming to I’ll answer all your questions with an honest answer. Until later...keep the hits coming. There’s no game in America like High School Football.