On Tuesday, April 23, 2013, Central Bucks East senior Nick Bennett was recognized for signing a letter of intent to play volleyball at St. Francis University. To view photos of the signing, please visit the Photo Gallery.
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Nick Bennett – St. Francis University (Volleyball)
Major: Chemistry
Final list of colleges: St. Francis, Stevenson
Reasons for choosing St. Francis: “I really liked the campus – I liked how it was small, but I also wanted to go D-1, so that was a big factor. The coach is great, and I like the freshmen that are there now and the incoming freshmen that are coming in with me.”
What was the progression that led you to playing collegiate volleyball? “In eighth grade, I knew that I wanted to play in college. I thought, ‘I could play D-3 maybe.’ During the summer, I actually had the coach for my coach of a High Performance team. We played the Chile National Team, and that’s when I realized I wanted to play Division One. Just the speed of the game – it increases a lot.”
Coach Rob Minschwaner says: “I’ve always said from the time he was a freshman that he’s just about the smartest hitter for his age that I’ve ever coached. Most hitters, especially boys in high school, just want to go up and cream the ball every time. He has no ego when it comes to hitting. He just wants to put the ball away, whether it’s a tip or roll or hit, whatever it takes, and wherever he has to go with it, he’ll do it. That’s really unusual for a high school boy. His instincts are great. He’s one of the best blockers you’ll find – the way he closes, gets up and over and seals the net is great. You just don’t find that often for this age player.
“Nick is a great kid. He’s always respectful, and he’s a pleasure to coach. He’s a very smart kid. He’s not one that will back down from questions. If he wants to understand why you’re doing things a certain way, he’ll ask. He really wants to understand the game – what we’re doing and how to make things better.”
About Nick:
Favorite food: Hot Wings
Favorite movie: Batman: The Dark Knight
Favorite music: Rap
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