CB East's Lundquist to Play Golf at the University of Oklahoma

On Wednesday, Nov. 12, 2024, Central Bucks East senior Ellison Lundquist was recognized for committing to continue her golf career at the University of Oklahoma.
In addition to a full athletic scholarship, Lundquist has been awarded two academic awards from the University of Oklahoma – the Academic Achievement Award and the Pathfinder Award. A two-year letter winner at East, Lundquist, at one point, was ranked in the top 15 in the world for her class.

Ellison Lundquist – University of Oklahoma (Golf)

Major: Business with a minor in chemistry

Final list of colleges: Oklahoma, Florida, Florida State, UNC, Virginia

Reasons for choosing Oklahoma: “Their facilities, program, coaches, team and just overall school spirit – I love it there. The way they treat their athletes is like nothing I saw at any other schools.
“Basically, coaches start coming out in seventh grade and start watching. The Oklahoma coach came to every round I played for two years straight before I could talk to them. I was like, ‘Okay, it seems as though that’s going to be a big choice.’ So, I went and visited before I could talk to the coaches, and I loved it there. I was like – wow, I never thought I would consider this, but this is definitely a consideration.”

What was the progression that led you to competing in golf at the collegiate level? “I started playing golf when I was four. I started playing tournaments when I was six. I knew probably when I was eight that I was going to play in college when I started playing around the country.”

Coach Dom DiJulia says: “It really was a privilege to coach Ellison. When we started to work together, she was already an accomplished player, so it was a privilege to have the opportunity that the family entrusted me and that she ended up trusting me. To have the opportunity to work with someone at that level, it’s a privilege for a coach to have that opportunity to call on all your resources and take things as far as we can.
“The pleasure in working with El is much more about who she is as a person. Her accomplishments on the golf course and prior to that on the soccer field as well as in the classroom are truly remarkable. Whether you talk to her parents or extended family, her pastor, her coaches, her fitness guru – no matter who it is that El touches, she makes a difference in our lives.
“She’s well-grounded as an athlete, highly intelligent. Her heart is huge both on the golf course but also with whoever she’s around. She just makes the world a better place just by being herself. So body, mind, heart and spirit - whether she’s literally practicing her faith or she’s just bringing what she learns from her faith to the rest of us, she’s just a special young woman.
“She’s incredibly balanced. I love witnessing both her laser focus toughness when she’s competing and preparing to compete. I also love seeing the vulnerability on the backside when we review - what did you do well? What can we do better? How can we move forward? She’s just a really well-balanced person. I’ll remember El not because of her accomplishments but because of who she is and how she touches everyone.”

About Ellison:
Favorite food:
Chicken Marsala
Favorite TV show: Grey’s Anatomy
Favorite music: Country