CB South Foursome to Play Collegiate Soccer

On Wednesday, Feb. 8, 2017, four Central Bucks South seniors were recognized for committing to continue their soccer careers at the collegiate level. To view photos of the event, please visit the Photo Gallery.

Sophia Boggs – Colgate University (Soccer)
Final list of colleges:  Colgate, MIT, St. Joseph’s, Bucknell
Reasons for choosing Colgate:  “A lot of it was environment, the size of the school and, obviously, academics. When I went up to Colgate, I talked to a lot of the professors there, and the coach set me up with a lot of interviews. I just really loved the feeling of the school and the environment, and I thought it would be a good fit.”
What was the progression that led you to competing in soccer at the collegiate level?  “I originally used to play field a lot, and I was really never good. When my coach put me in goal when I was about 12, I really started to love it. I think that’s when I realized I wanted to play college (soccer) when I transitioned to the goalie position.”
Coach Betsy Bullock says:  “She’s an extraordinary player. I don’t think that a high school coach often gets a player of that caliber. She’s developed the mental aspect of the game. She always was an extraordinary athlete, and she really led us and kept us in the games and led us to the championship game in Hershey.
“You have to have outstanding coordination to play that position. You have to be mentally sharp because playing goalkeeper includes a lot of tactical awareness, and just her mental toughness.”
About Sophia:
Favorite food: 
Favorite movie:  Silver Linings Playbook
Favorite music:  Alternative

Maddie Koch – Virginia Wesleyan College (Soccer)
Final list of colleges:  Virginia Wesleyan, College of Charlestown, Pittsburgh-Johnstown
Reasons for choosing Virginia Wesleyan:  “I picked Virginia Wesleyan because I just really felt at home there and I loved the coaching staff and also the academic parts of it. My major is biology, and I’m minoring in marine biology, and they’re right by the beach, and they do a lot of interactive hands-on things. I just love the people there, the community and everything about it.”
What was the progression that led you to competing in soccer at the collegiate level?  “I just always loved playing soccer in general, and when high school started, sophomore year I started seeing that some of my friends who were older who I played club soccer with were signing, and I just knew it was something I wanted to continue past my high school career because I just love doing it.”
Coach Betsy Bullock says: “I can’t say enough about Maddie. She played center mid for us. I never took her off the field. She shut down a national player in our run to states and is just the most hard working, tenacious (kid) and she’s kind – she’s just a phenomenal young woman. She was very technically skilled, but she also was tenacious, and she held the middle of the field for us.”
About Maddie:
Favorite food: 
Favorite movie:  She’s the Man
Favorite music:  Pop

Corinne McDonald – University of Scranton (Soccer)
Occupational Therapy
Final list of colleges:  Scranton, Aracadia, Monmouth
Reasons for choosing Scranton:  “I liked the area, and it’s really good in my major. My parents made me choose a school for academics first, but I really do like the school size and everything.”
What was the progression that led you to competing in soccer at the collegiate level?  “I’ve always known I wanted to play in college because soccer isn’t really a chore for me. I love going to practice and playing the games, and I definitely wanted to continue after high school.”
Coach Betsy Bullock says:  “Corinne really became more of a force for us her senior year. She developed every year she played – she got better and better. She ended up having a couple of key goals in our run to states, and she was really a solid, high-scoring forward. She’s very accurate, and she shares the ball and also looks to distribute when she can’t shoot.”
About Corinne:
Favorite food: 
Mashed Potatoes
Favorite movie:  The Blind Side
Favorite music:  Pop & Rock

Lindsay Weiss – Wagner College (Soccer)
Elementary Education
Final list of colleges:  Wagner, Towson, St. Joseph’s
Reasons for choosing Wagner:  “It’s the perfect location between city and suburban. It has my major, and obviously, playing soccer at that level will be amazing.
What was the progression that led you to competing in soccer at the collegiate level?  “It’s always been a thought of mine. I have an older sister, and she plays soccer collegiately. She’s someone I look up to, so the challenge to beat her or be better was always there. I play on a really competitive club team, so I had at least 30-50 coaches at every game. The contact was there since sophomore year.”
About Lindsay:
Favorite food: 
Favorite movie:  Grease
Favorite music:  Pop