CB South's Cooper Commits to Play Field Hockey at Ursinus

On Friday, Nov. 15, 2019, Central Bucks South senior Madelyn Cooper was recognized for committing to continue her field hockey career at Ursinus College. To view photos of the event, please visit the Photo Gallery at the following link:  https://solsports.zenfolio.com/p657619869



Madelyn Cooper – Ursinus College (Field Hockey)


Major: Mathematics and Government


Final list of colleges:  Ursinus, Widener, Gwynedd Mercy, Washington & Jefferson, Wesleyan University (Conn.)


Reasons for choosing Ursinus:  “For me, why I chose to go to Ursinus is because I know it sounds cliché, but when I walked on the campus, I got really excited, and it just felt like a good fit for me. When I went to the different admissions sessions and things like that, not only is the team a great environment and everyone on the team is really nice and welcoming and the coaches are amazing and it has a really competitive field hockey program, which is something I was obviously looking at, but it also put me in a great place for after college in terms of finding a good career. It just felt like the best place for me to thrive.”


What was the progression that led you to competing in field hockey at the collegiate level?  “I really wanted to play field hockey in college. From the time I was a freshman, I knew it was a goal that I wanted to have, but my sophomore year of high school I was put on jayvee again, which was totally the right move by the coaches, and I also was put on a different team for my club team. It really motivated me to work really hard because I knew I wanted to play in college, I knew I wanted to play on varsity, and I knew I wanted to be back on the team I was on for my club team. Really that year was the biggest transition year for me because it motivated me to work really hard. At that same time, I started going to clinics at different schools and different scouting tournaments, so I think that motivation to work really hard that year helped me to see that I could play in college and I could work really hard to get to that point.”


Coach Pat Toner says:  “Maddy is a really hard worker, and she’s willing to learn and always pushes herself to be the best that she can be. She’s very intelligent, she has excellent skills, and she’s always willing to do what she’s asked. I’m excited that she’s going to play field hockey at Ursinus, and I’m looking forward to watching her play in college.”


About Madelyn:

Favorite food:  French Fries

Favorite movie:  Remember the Titans

Favorite artist:  Jonas Brothers