CB South's Falkowski to Play Lax at Mount St. Mary

On Wednesday, June 1, 2016, Central Bucks South senior Evan Falkowski was recognized for committing to continue his lacrosse career at Mount St. Mary College. To view photos of the event, please visit the Photo Gallery at the following link:  http://photos.suburbanonesports.com/g/060116_signings_-_mjs

Evan Falkowski – Mount St. Mary College (Lacrosse)

Major:  Computer Science

Final list of colleges:  Mount St. Mary, Robert Morris

Reasons for choosing Mount St. Mary:  “From an academic standpoint, they have small classes so I could be close and personal with my professors. It’s not too far and not too close, and I just loved the coaches.”

What was the progression that led you to competing in lacrosse at the collegiate level?  “When my sister was looking at schools, I realized I wanted to do that in college because I couldn’t really see myself going to school and not playing lacrosse at the highest level I can. I want it in my life as long as I can.”

Coach Mike Strayline says:  “As a sophomore when he came to varsity, he had a presence about him that he belonged, and that’s the difference between some kids as athletes and others – they have that presence about them, and they know they can play with the older kids. He has a hard work ethic where he’s going to get better no matter what he does. He’s just a great kid.”

About Evan:
Favorite food:  French Toast
Favorite movie:  I Am Legend
Favorite music:  Classic Rock