CB West's Holt to Play Lacrosse at Catholic University

On Monday, May 16, 2016, Central Bucks West senior Katie Holt was recognized for committing to continue her lacrosse career at Catholic University. To view photos of the event, please visit the Photo Gallery.

Katie Holt – Catholic University (Lacrosse)

Major:  Elementary Education

Final list of colleges:  Catholic University, Bucknell, La Salle, American

Reasons for choosing Catholic University:  “I really liked the atmosphere of the school, I really liked the team, and I loved (Washington) D.C. I just love the area because there’s so much opportunity there.”

What was the progression that led you to competing in lacrosse at the collegiate level?  “In my freshman year, I was trying to figure out if I was going to play or not, and I was thinking about how I’ve always been an athlete. I think it would be different for me not to be an athlete going into college, so I definitely knew I wanted to continue playing lacrosse.”

Coach Tara Schmucker says:   “Katie Holt is one of those players that every coach wants.  She is always doing her job, always in the right place and always being a great teammate.  She was the backbone of our defense and excellent team defender; not the flashiest of players but she consistently does her job.  For four years, she has put her head down and worked diligently to improve, and it is character and work ethic like hers that have helped our program develop.  Without fail, as a senior captain Katie was in the center of every defensive huddle, head up and with a positive mentality no matter what the score.  She embodies spirit and her leadership and encouragement to old and new players will have a lasting impact on her teammates and this program.”

About Katie:
Favorite food: 
Favorite movie:  The Blind Side
Favorite music:  Pop