CR North's Grundman to Continue Volleyball Career at UChicago

Council Rock North senior Hadley Grundman has committed to continue her volleyball career at the University of Chicago.

Hadley Grundman – University of Chicago (Illinois)

Major:  Molecular Engineering or Biological Chemistry

Final list of colleges:  University of Chicago, Stanford University, Harvard University, Dartmouth College

Reasons for choosing the University of Chicago:  “When I first walked onto campus, I knew it was the right place for me. Not only does UChicago have the old world, academic architecture, but it also has a record of accomplishment to match.  The college has such diverse fields of study. While I am planning to major in something in the STEM field, the college makes sure that everyone has a solid liberal arts foundation from which to build. UChicago will also allow me to play my favorite sport, and provide one of the most academically rigorous educations in the country. Also, its location gives it access to all the cultural things a major city has to offer, like a plethora of museums to explore, and plays to see.”

What was the progression that led you to competing in volleyball at the collegiate level?  “Compared to some other parts of the country and to other sports, I started playing volleyball late – not until seventh grade.  I’ve been lucky to have some excellent coaches in school and in club.  In addition to the challenge of learning and improving my skills, the other thing I really enjoy about the sport is that the girls are so supportive, and teamwork is essential. Through volleyball, I have met some of my closest friends.  The more I played, the more I knew that I wanted to continue on my volleyball career in college. It was just a matter of finding the right spot.
“The college recruiting process really started for me in the tenth grade. My club at the time was adamant that we start reaching out to college coaches early, so they had the opportunity to watch us before they started filling up their teams.  I sent emails to a wide assortment of schools on my list, letting the coaches know I was interested and provided them my grades, schedules of when and where my team would be playing. From that point on, I started narrowing down my choices, visiting campuses, and meeting with the coaches and the girls, where I could.  When I met Coach Dingman and the girls on the UChicago team, it was easy.  When they extended me an offer to join, I barely had to think; I loved them and the school.  The only thing I had left to do was to buy a warm coat.  PS – we got that done!”

Coach Mike Adams says:  “It was such an honor to coach Hadley!  Not only is she a fantastic student and talented volleyball player, but also just an amazingly well-rounded person.  She is positive, a hard worker, a great leader, and the perfect person for younger players to look up to.”

About Hadley:
Favorite food: 
Ice Cream
Favorite movie:  Mulan
Favorite music artist:  Adele