On Monday, Dec. 9, 2013, Norristown senior Kristen Custer was recognized for signing a letter of intent to play volleyball at Penn State-Berks. To view photos of the signing, please visit the Photo Gallery.
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Kristen Custer – Penn State-Berks (Volleyball)
Major: Kinesiology
Final list of colleges: Penn State-Berks, West Chester
Reasons for choosing Penn State-Berks: “Penn State runs in my family, so when I went up to visit it and the coach invited me up for an overnight and I got to spend time with the team, I knew that’s where I wanted to go. They were a good group of girls, and I was excited to play with them.”
What was the progression that led you to playing collegiate volleyball? “I have always wanted to do it, but I never thought I could because of how short I was. My junior year is when I really decided that I wanted to play in college.”
Coach Bernadette Vereb says: “She was our libero, and she was extremely court smart. She was an absolute leader, and she was able to instill good fundamentals throughout the entire team. She practiced exactly what she preached. She worked hard, and she expected the team to work hard. She strived to improve every aspect of her game.
“You’re only as good as your defense. If you have a good defense, you’ll have a good team. We were 3-17 in my first year (2012), and this year we were 9-12. I attribute that to just consistency and a lot of Kristen’s leadership.”
Assistant coach Connie Randolph says: “The thing that stands out about Kristen is her team leadership. She would give you 100 percent every practice, every game. She pumped the kids up. She was our go-to girl, whether a rally on points or a fantastic dig. We came in as brand new coaches last year, and she was one of the first ones you could look at and see she could play. We helped her fine tune a little more on defense, and we knew she would be our first player we could help get to the next level and play in college. I know I personally worked with her individually a lot. She just wanted me to hit the ball at her harder. She’s just a great all-around kid. She will definitely be a benefit to the school she’s going to play with.”
About Kristen:
Favorite food: Chicken
Favorite movie: Finding Nemo
Favorite music: R&B
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