Henry to Play Soccer at West Chester

On Wednesday, Feb. 6, 2013, Pennridge senior Carly Henry was recognized at a special news conference for signing a letter of intent to compete in soccer at West Chester University.

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Carly Henry – West Chester University (Soccer)

Major:  Elementary Education with a minor in Special Education

Reasons for choosing West Chester:  “A strong education and soccer program.”

High school accomplishments:  Captain, Defensive MVP, First Team All-League, Distinguished Honor Roll, Stand Tall Mentor

Coach Audrey Anderson says:  “Carly was a huge player for us this year. I think we lost a lot last year by not having her play as much. This year, having her on the field – her presence was known. Even if you didn’t know her, she just stood out. She had the same routine before every game. You hear her voice – her voice just carried. I love that type of player. She reminds me a lot of myself when I played. She didn’t care if she was hurting someone’s feelings on the field because it wasn’t personal. It was ‘We’re going to do what we have to do to win this game.’ She just took charge and kind of took over that defense and kept everybody motivated. I know people say players look to their coaches a lot of times in big games, and I would look at her and say, ‘Keep us focused,’ and she was so good at that. It was comforting to me to know I could look at her and know she was focused, and I knew everybody else around her was going to be focused as well.”