North Penn's Jones Signs NLI to Play Soccer at Louisville

On Thursday, Nov. 12, 2020, North Penn senior Josh Jones was recognized for signing a letter of intent to continue his soccer career at the University of Louisville. (Photos provided courtesy of North Penn High School/NPVTV)



Josh Jones – University of Louisville (Soccer)


Major: Business


Final list of colleges: Louisville, Penn State, Temple, U.S. Military Academy


Reasons for choosing Louisville:  “When I went on my visit to Louisville this past summer, I knew right when I stepped on the campus – this was the place I wanted to be. They have one of the best soccer programs in the country, and they compete in the ACC, so I knew that’s where I wanted to be.”


Favorite memory: “My favorite memory was last year’s run to a state championship. That whole year was great, and it was probably the best time of my life.”   


Most important thing learned at North Penn: “The most important thing I learned was what it’s like to represent your school both on and off the field.”


Coach Chris DiPeppe says:  “Josh is a four-year starter and is one of two or three players that were pillars that we built our success on the last few years. He was all-state the last two years. He scored 14 goals for us this year, and I remember four in one half against Pennridge. He’s just been great. He’s a natural leader and was our captain this year. He’s probably one of the most complete players I’ve ever coached, he’s a tremendous athlete, and he’s going on to do great things. He played every position up the center of the pitch for us – center back, center midfield, striker, and he did the job wherever we put him. He never asked for anything but what was best for the team. He’s just a great, great athlete and a great student at North Penn.”


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