Pennridge's Hopkins to Play Football at Misericordia

On Thursday, May 24, 2018, Pennridge senior Ty’Shawn Hopkins was recognized for committing to continue his football career at Misericordia University. Check back for photos of the event.

Ty’Shawn Hopkins – Misericordia University (Football)

Major:  Physical Therapy

Final list of colleges:  Misericordia, McDaniel College, West Chester

Reasons for choosing Misericordia:  “I was drawn to the six-and-a-half year DPT program. Misericordia has a very close and supportive staff.”

Athletic accomplishments:  Two-year varsity letterman in football and three-time varsity letterman in track and field.

Coach Jeff Hollenbach says:  “Ty’Shawn was a great leader for us on the team. He did an excellent job. He was a very motivated player, and he played hard every day in practice. He did not see as much playing time as we would have liked, but his attitude was just amazing. I had him in class also, and he’s a hard worker. People love him. He has a very positive attitude, and with those kinds of attributes, he will do some really good things moving forward. I’m really proud he’s staying with football, and I wish the best for him.”