Quakertown's Brady to Play Collegiate Lacrosse at Cabrini

On Thursday, March 1, 2018, Quakertown senior Chris Brady was recognized for committing to continue his lacrosse career at Cabrini University. Check back for a gallery of photos.

Chris Brady – Cabrini University (Lacrosse)

Major:  Secondary Education with a concentration in History

Final list of colleges: Cabrini, Delaware Valley University

Reasons for choosing Cabrini:  “I was looking for a small Catholic school. Cabrini has a solid lacrosse team, they’re a small Catholic school and they have great secondary education programs.

What was the progression that led you to competing in lacrosse at the collegiate level?  “When I started playing travel lacrosse in eighth grade, I realized how big lacrosse was, and I started watching all the lacrosse games, and I really wanted to be on those fields playing at that high level.”

Coach Travis Eckler says:  “I’m relatively new to the Quakertown area. I moved down here from upstate New York, and if you’re familiar with upstate New York, it’s a lacrosse hotbed. Playing lacrosse for 32 years, I got to play at the highest level, and seeing where Chris is – he’s a very good goalie. He could have chosen anywhere he wanted to go. He’s a confident kid. Knowing my background, he challenged me to some shots in a practice – I was a goal scorer back in the day, and he must have read up on that and challenged me. He’s a great kid.”

About Chris:
Favorite food: 
Buffalo Wings
Favorite movie:  Ender’s Game
Favorite music:  Anything