On Thursday, March 21, 2013, Central Bucks East senior Ethan Rode was recognized for signing a letter of intent to play baseball at Wesleyan University. To view photos of the signing, please visit the Photo Gallery.
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Ethan Rode – Wesleyan University (Baseball)
Major: History
Final list of colleges: Wesleyan, University of Rochester, Haverford
Reasons for choosing Wesleyan: “I loved the academics of the school. I went up and stayed overnight with the team, and I liked all the guys there. Just the old school approach there really appealed to me.”
What was the progression that led you to playing baseball at the collegiate level? “For me, it was probably the summer of my sophomore year. I was playing with a showcase team a year up. I saw all of my friends above me commit to different schools, and I knew that was something I wanted to do.”
Coach Kyle Dennis says: “Ethan has been with us for a long time. This was his fourth year with us, and from the get go, we knew he could pitch. Mechanically as a ninth grader, he was sound. He’s just gotten bigger and stronger over the last four years and has really developed into a pitcher. As a junior, he had a little bit of an arm injury that kept him from pitching, but he did a great job for us at first base. He’s one of those kids that just works his butt off in the offseason and really perfects everything about his game. He puts a lot of time into it.
“Ethan pitched for us, he played third base, and he played first base this year mostly and had a phenomenal year. Things really came together for him offensively this year. We were hoping that he would swing the bat a little bit better this year than he had in years past, and he did. He hit in the middle of our lineup and was a great team player and team leader. He’s one of the first ones there and one of the last ones to leave. He’s an unbelievable kid, and we’re going to miss him.”
About Ethan:
Favorite food: Pizza
Favorite movie: Happy Gilmore
Favorite music: AC/DC
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